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Q: What form of intaglio is one of the oldest and most difficult to work with?
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Which form of business ownership in the most complex and difficult to form?

a corporation is the most difficult to form.

What is difficult in its superlative form?

most difficult

What is the comparative of difficult?

The comparative form of difficult is more difficult and the superlative form is most difficult. Difficult means 'hard to accomplish.'

Is most difficult an adjective?

Paired, it is the superlative form of the adjective difficult. But separately, most is an adverb, while difficult is an adjective.

What are some of the most common used for Hematite?

Hematite is a mineral, more specifically containing iron oxides. It is most commonly used in Jewelry in the Victorian Era. It is also used in intaglio engraved gems, a form of art.

What is the comparative and superlative form of difficult?

More difficult and most difficult. With a word that long we don't generally add the -er or -est suffixes.

What are 2 most common types of relief printing?

The two most common types of relief printing are the intaglio and the planographic. Intaglio inks the entire matrix and is just wiped away after the fact. Planographic only some of the areas of the flat matrix are treated.

What is the oldest form of printmaking and who was most likely first to use it?

Woodcut; Chinese

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Council as Mayor

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No. There was most likely religion before there was any form of writing, which make it impossible to know what the oldest religion was or is.

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What is the most widespread from of Christianity?

Catholicism is, & it also happens to be the oldest form too.