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Q: What form of energy does a pile driver use to do work?
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Where does a pile driver get the energy to perform work?


Is work a form of energy?


Why is heat form of energy?

It can do work.

How is energy distributed?

It is distributed in the form or work done by that energy.

Does force and energy work together?

Energy has dimensions of force times distance. If a force moves an object, then work was done and work is a form of energy.

How does energy work-?

Energy works by transforming the other form of energy from one type to another.

Why does heat consider as a form of energy?

Energy is defined as the ability to do work. When a body is supplied with heat,the body gains the tendency to do work.thus heat has the capacity to do work hence heat is considered as a form of energy

What is the form of energy least available to accomplish cellular work?

Heat energy.Thermal Energy

How is work and energy different?

Work is the word used to describe anything that's being physically done whereas energy is what is needed for work to be done. So in a simple form - You need energy to work.

How do you know that some entity is a form of energy?

If something is capable of doing work then that entity is assumed to have energy be it in any form. For example a heat is a form of energy which makes the air particles move. Similarly sound is a form of energy which makes them vibrate.

What is the full form of cos in work and energy?

certificate of suitability

What is energy from wind called?

The conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy is called the WIND... ENERGY. Have to add the ellipsis for it to work.