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It depends on if you are running it fully all the time. Many things affect the energy consumption of a chiller...The condenser water temperature, the current load in the building..etc. The compressor is what uses the most energy, so if you can minimize the work the compressor has to do by decreasing the condenser water temperature (doing this forces you to use more energy on the cooling tower fan) then your chiller will use less energy. Building automated controls weigh the pros and the cons and do constant optimization to decided which uses more energy in this handoff

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Q: How much power does an 800kW chiller use?
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Can you purchase a glass chiller for home use?

You can buy a glass chiller from numerous online stores for much cheap prices than retail.

How many amps does a wine chiller use?

Depends on the size of the wine chiller. There should be a label on the chiller with this information.

Can you use the air coold chiller instead of water coold chiller?

No you female dog!

Is it safe to use a used chiller in my home for food storage?

As long as the chiller is clean you should be safe. Make sure to clean it out.

Where can I find a plate chiller?

A plate chiller is one of two things: either a kind of refrigeration unit for a restaurant, that chills the plates and glasses, or a plate chiller/wort chiller for use in home brewing of beer.

How do you use a glycol chiller in my brewery?

Glycol chiller used when beer brewing. This tasked with cooling the propylene glycol. its a food grade anti freeze which require to cool food products.But there are some restriction to use propylene and must to follow the USP grade.Its need chiller system which evolve with compressor, evaporator,condenser and pump. You can read a article from where lot of information available about glycol chiller.

What causes a chiller voltage to drop from 480 volts to 440 volts?

the use and consistency of the use

Would one be able to use an air cooled chiller to chill a bottle of wine?

Yes, one would be able to. However, the quality of the wine might be affected depending on the temperature of the chiller.

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When leak testing a low pressure chiller the maximum pressure to use is?

When leak testing a low pressure chiller, it is recommended to use a maximum pressure of around 10 psi. This is a safe pressure that can help detect any leaks without risking damage to the chiller components. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for specific pressure recommendations.

What is an aquarium chiller used for?

You would use a aquarium chiller to cool the water in your aquarium for certain types of fish that need cooler water then room temperature. It helps to keep the water at a constant temperature.

What purpose does wine chiller serve?

The wine chiller refrigerator serve many purposes. Some of them are keeping the wine cold, store more items, use it as a freezer on the upper part and many more.