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fido, I dont know how i know that :P

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

i think dog

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Q: What food was in the dog bowl that Rosalie gave Jacob?
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Esau gave his birthright as firstborn to Jacob for this?

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Esav gave his birthright to Jacob in Sefer Bereshit of the Torah for a bowl of soup, after Esav had come back from hunting. Jacob used the birthright to trick his father and obtain the land of Israel.

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NO, Stephanie Meyer never gave Rosalie a birthday!

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Carlisle and Esme both gave Rosalie a disapproving look when she smashed the bowl because they were concerned about her lack of self-control and her tendency towards destructive behavior. They likely wanted to remind her to think before acting impulsively and to handle her emotions in a more constructive manner.

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They didnt fall. When Rosalie broke the bowl they both looked at her, and gave her the "look". i dunno what you mean by 'fell'. ive seen twilight over 100 times and i have never noticed that. ill look out for it if you want hope this helps x =]

Does Jacob try to kill Bella?

Yes, she does. It was in Breaking Dawn after waking up and after hunting. When she was holding Renesmee, her and Edward's daughter, she noticed that Jacob imprinted on her. She gave Renesmee to Rosalie, i think, and chased after Jacob. She was about to leave him alone till he said 'come on bells, Nessie likes me too'. She turned and tried to kill him, Seth jumped in between, and Bella broke his shoulder.

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Joseph's father, Jacob, gave him the special coat of many colors.

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Rosalie Lillian Hale was her human name. Carol was the name Stephanie Meyer originally gave her. If you read Stephanie Meyers web site she will give you the Carol story.

In eclipse when Jacob gave the note to Bella what grade did Jacob say it was like?

2nd Grade.

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She gave him his grandfather's name for his middle name. Which is Jacob Ephraim Black.