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never, he never admits his love for her, he always claims that he keeps her because of the kids...


He never admits that he loves her, but it is evident that he does (or at least cares for her greatly) taking how extremely upset he was when he found out Bulma "died" in the Union of Rivals, during the Buu saga before he sacrificed himself he explained he did it for his family and told Trunks to take care of his mother (or something along the lines of it , I just know it had something to do with taking care of Bulma) and he confessed his love for "that servant girl" to Piccolo which he has referred to as Bulma several times before, and there are many other things that can leave us to believe he has affectionate feelings for her.

Keep in mind that Dragon Ball Z is a fighting centered anime and that all other things such as romance are usually left implied. It would disrupt Vegeta's character if he showed affection. I don't think the creators of DBZ would sacrifice a unique character quality for the sake of romance in a fighting anime.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

There is no episode where it shows Bulma telling Vegeta she is pregnant. It just jumps ahead to baby Trunks, and so the details of those 3 years are left to one's imagination.

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