kagome does say she loves inuyasha just not to him. she yells it in episode 126 and inuyasha saves her but he doesn't hear it
They dont say, what i mean is there isn't an episode
They never kissed.They hate eachother.thay kiss in movie 2 but im not telling why that would by giving it away
Kikyo . If any of you has ever truly been in love; you will come to realize that no one can compare to your first love..specially when the fifty years inuyasha and kikyo were sealed/dead happened just a moment ago for them . Kagome does have a special place in Inuyashas heart though . Ok. He actually loves both of them but after kikyo dies and inuyasha starts to love kagome more. But he still loves kikyo even though shes dead.
No, because kagome is not in love with sesshomaru she is in love with seeshomaru's younger brother inuyasha. Sesshomaru does not even like kagome. Inuyasha LOVES kagome. You can just tell. Course not. Sesshomaru doesn't even like Kagome.
No, he chooses Kagome. Kikyo's not really alive--she lives off the souls of other people's --and Kagome makes more sense, anyway. Also, Kagome and Kikyo are very different people, regardless of Kagome being Kikyo's reincarnation .But...yes, Inuyasha chooses Kagome, he loves her for who she is anyway--not for Kikyo. Well...in Ep 47-48 he chooses to be with Kikyo, but that doesn't happen, because Kikyo will die and Kagome is ended up to be with Inuyasha, and Inuyasha and Kagome were born for eachother not Inuyasha and Kikyo. Although Inuyasha does love Kikyo, but also Kagome.
Yes they do.
i think 48 and 126
They dont say, what i mean is there isn't an episode
I LOVE the 2nd Movie because that is where Inuyasha and Kagome kiss!!!!!!!! <3
Yes he loves kagome but his first love is kikyo but I think he feels stronger toward kagome Because kagome is always on his side
yes inuyasha did from the very start because he thought it was kikyo but then he love kikyo after all but he also love kagome all i can say is kikyo is so flurty she once died but she did not agree then she make away to live to be with inuyasha but i guess she makes kagome became jelous
They never kissed.They hate eachother.thay kiss in movie 2 but im not telling why that would by giving it away
Personally, I would have to say Kagome. Sure at first Inuyasha practically hates her, but his feelings grow. We can't blame Inuyasha for not forgetting Kikyo as she was his first love. BUT can we not also say that Kikyo tried to CHANGE Inuyasha? I think she did not love him for who he was, which I find depressing. Kagome does though (As she says in Inuyasha movie 2), she loves him as a half demon. :)
Kikyo . If any of you has ever truly been in love; you will come to realize that no one can compare to your first love..specially when the fifty years inuyasha and kikyo were sealed/dead happened just a moment ago for them . Kagome does have a special place in Inuyashas heart though . Ok. He actually loves both of them but after kikyo dies and inuyasha starts to love kagome more. But he still loves kikyo even though shes dead.
By looking at cannon evidence, one can conclude that yes, InuYasha does love Kagome, even if he has difficulty expressing it.
kagome is basically the main character. also secretly inuyasha and kagome are in love (inuyasha is the main character which makes kagome pretty important).
No, because kagome is not in love with sesshomaru she is in love with seeshomaru's younger brother inuyasha. Sesshomaru does not even like kagome. Inuyasha LOVES kagome. You can just tell. Course not. Sesshomaru doesn't even like Kagome.