That epidoe is called "The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique." It's the second episode of Inuyasha's battle with Ryukotsei.
Naruto would use the rasengan to block the backlash wave.No, cause the backlash wave will counter attack the rasengan, but it's possible for the rasengan to block the wind scar.Both Inuyasha and Naruto have strong abilities but the question is who would give up?
The movies are more of an individual story line on their own rather than an actual part of the anime. They can be fit into the anime, but are more independent than anything else. The first movie fits 4-8 episodes after Inuyasha defeats Ryoukutsei and learns the backlash wave, and the second fits in the middle of Naraku's disappearance after Inuyasha and Shesshomaru kill him, but before the introduction of the band of seven
==Fighting moves== iron reaper soul stealer == slashes opponent with his sharp claws blades of blood == hurls blades made of blood at his opponent (needs blood on his hands to do this move) ==weapon moves== Wind scar == slashes the wind scar and sends energy waves at the opponent (is also used to break through barriers) Backlash wave == bursts thru the oponents energy blast and slashes it with the windscar technique to hurl both attacks back at the opponent
you can watch them at any time because nothing deals with the series. it might be a bit confusing if you watch them first but here is the order they came out. 1st movie: after episode 55 2nd movie: after episode 95 3rd movie: after episode 126 4th movie: after episode 167 hope this helped. ^U^
" Better " is hard to determine . It's more of an opinion. The Inuyasha Entei is a horse type demon, Rather like Ponyta, or Rapidash. The Pokemon Entei is a Volcanic Dog type Pokemon. So i comes down to whether you like dogs or horses. Now the attacks are different. The Pokemon Entei can use a lot of powerful fire type attacks and it is also referred to as one of the 20 or so Legendary pokemon. The Inuyasha Entei has other abilities such as being able to emit large amount of demonic energy out of its mouth ( Making it possible for Inuyasha to kill it using the backlash wave ) and it also has the ability to move at extreme speeds. As stated earlier it's truly your choice on what you like better.
Inuyasha - 2000 The Backlash Wave Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique 2-54 was released on: USA: 1 May 2004
Tsubaki absorbs the Ogre Demon in episode 64 which gives her a demonic aura and Inuyasha is able to use his Backlash Wave on her. The demons she had absorbed are destroyed and one of Naraku's insects takes the sacred jewel and she dies.
Naruto would use the rasengan to block the backlash wave.No, cause the backlash wave will counter attack the rasengan, but it's possible for the rasengan to block the wind scar.Both Inuyasha and Naruto have strong abilities but the question is who would give up?
It can do Wind Scar, Backlash Wave, The Barrier-Breaking, Dragon-Scaled, Black Tetsusaiga, and Diamond/Adamant. So 6.
Inuyasha\'s sword the Tessaiga achieves Crystal Mode in the episode titled "The Fate of the Tessaiga" from Inuyasha Season 3. During this episode Inuyasha battles the powerful monster known as Ryukotsusei and is unable to defeat it. After receiving advice from Totosai he is able to unlock the sword\'s true potential and transforms it into Crystal Mode. The sword initially starts out as the normal red-colored steel form and when it transforms to Crystal Mode it turns into a blue crystalline state. In order to transform the sword into Crystal Mode Inuyasha must perform several steps: Gather the shards of the Shikon Jewel Combine the shards with the Tessaiga Perform the "Backlash Wave" attackAfter performing these steps the sword will then transform into Crystal Mode allowing Inuyasha to use its full power and defeat Ryukotsusei.
goku learns the kamehameha on the movie path of power (Edit: Goku first performs a kamehameha wave in the 8th episode of dragon ball)
he uses the windscar as a power in his sword the demonic power between him and his enemy create a scar in the wind being the winscar inuyasha strikes this scar creating a huge wave of power
The movies are more of an individual story line on their own rather than an actual part of the anime. They can be fit into the anime, but are more independent than anything else. The first movie fits 4-8 episodes after Inuyasha defeats Ryoukutsei and learns the backlash wave, and the second fits in the middle of Naraku's disappearance after Inuyasha and Shesshomaru kill him, but before the introduction of the band of seven
Arcanine can only learn heat wave from an egg move Serebii holds all the answers
Staraptor can't learn Heat Wave... Only Fire-Type Pokemon can.
Moltras learns heat wave at a level 73.