No but that would be funny! They have a lot in common too!
Since there is no Sebastian in Naruto we will never know.
Naruto I guess
Obviously goku will win. He can defeat all the naruto shippuden characters.
"naruto easily" no. Naruto is a barely hypersonic mountainbuster. goku is a massively hypersonic large planetbuster. how can Naruto win this?
No but that would be funny! They have a lot in common too!
inuyasha anime is so good but i dont know adout naruto i think naruto is soo borning
naruto hands down
naruto all the way
Naruto ado
it would be a tie.!\ Naruto for many reasons! go and search "who would win naruto or ichiogo?" for the abilites of naruto. i have commented on it and it is the biggest answer at the very bottom.
naruto !!!
inyusha dude
tie or naruto
Since there is no Sebastian in Naruto we will never know.