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The movies are more of an individual story line on their own rather than an actual part of the anime. They can be fit into the anime, but are more independent than anything else.

The first movie fits 4-8 episodes after Inuyasha defeats Ryoukutsei and learns the backlash wave, and the second fits in the middle of Naraku's disappearance after Inuyasha and Shesshomaru kill him, but before the introduction of the band of seven

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9y ago
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14y ago

The second, third and fourth. The first one is just kinda like "This is the story of a girl who fell down a well and a boy dog demon." Like you'd have to watch the episodes to understand it, but it doesn't continue after the show. The second movie picks up where the episodes end off. (sort of) They are all there, miroku and sango too, and are fightin Naraku and whatnot.

Hope this answers your question!

Found it from someone! lol

Movie 1: "InuYasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time" Between episodes 54&55

Movie 2: "InuYasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass" Between Episodes 95&96

Movie 3: "InuYasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler" Between 136&137

Movie 4: "InuYasha the Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island" After last episode.

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13y ago

Affections Touching Across Time, the first InuYasha movie, is set between episodes 55 and 56 of the anime series.

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go to they have all 5 movies and all 167 episodes in English

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No. Inuyasha: The Final Act concluded after one "season" with 26 episodes. At this time, there are no more planned episodes, movies or OVA projects planned for Inuyasha.

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You can watch all of the InuYasha episodes and movies and read the manga at

How many eisodes of inuyasha are there?

if you count both series there's 193 episode (i think) but in the first Inuyasha series there's 167 episodes and in Inuyasha: final act, there's 26 episodes. There's even 4 movies of inuyasha! Yup its true! :D

When in the storyline do the Inuyasha movies take place?

Typically the movies take place between episodes, but the events of the movies are typically not referred to in the animated TV series or its conclusion, Inuyasha: The Final Act. For that reason, they could also be considered to take place outsideof the series continuity.

Where do you find episode eighty three of inuyasha in English?

go to they have all 167 episodes and all 4 movies in english.

How many seasons of inuyasha is there?

InuYasha - 167 episodesInuYasha: The Final Act - 26 episodes

What is the value of inuyasha?

it depends what inuyasha u sell if it is the episodes or the movies it depends like for me i saw four of the movies sell for $20 and i saw it where they sold it for $90 i thought that was crazy.

How many episode of Inuyasha?

167 episodes of InuYasha 26 episodes of InuYasha: Final Act

Are they still making inuyasha?

No, there are no new episodes of inuyasha. There is more manga chapters after the episodes. The 2nd 3rd and 4th movie pick up where the episodes left off. But I don't believe there are more episodes in the making. No, there are no new episodes of inuyasha. There is more manga chapters after the episodes. The 2nd 3rd and 4th movie pick up where the episodes left off. But I don't believe there are more episodes in the making.