167 episodes and 4 movies. The show doesn't have a conclusion and no new episodes are going to be made. Bummer!
fu** this dude and or chick there are new eps
There are 26 episodes in Inuyasha: The Final Act(Inuyasha Kanketsuhen).
Season 2 of "Inuyasha" has 26 episodes .
In the main series, there are 167 english-dubbed episodes, but they stopped in 2000, but the series wasn't finished, so they recently started to make InuYasha Final Act. They are ongoing, but are reaching there end. These episodes are in english-subbed because they are Japanese, but they will be english-dubbed by April 2010!!
There is no episodes that show Inuyasha in his mortal form being "sit".
No. the manga goes from start to finish. The real finish, not were they stopped airing new episodes.
167 episodes of InuYasha 26 episodes of InuYasha: Final Act
The anime series Inuyasha has 167 episodes .
There are 26 episodes in Inuyasha: The Final Act(Inuyasha Kanketsuhen).
There are 167 episodes.
Season 2 of "Inuyasha" has 26 episodes .
167 regular inuyasha episodes and 26 final act episodes and 5 movies
if you count both series there's 193 episode (i think) but in the first Inuyasha series there's 167 episodes and in Inuyasha: final act, there's 26 episodes. There's even 4 movies of inuyasha! Yup its true! :D
167 episodes in the Inuyasha series. But there is a second season called Inuyasha: The Final Act and there is 25 episodes
around 3
InuYasha - 167 episodesInuYasha: The Final Act - 26 episodes
Lots of times in the anime but I don't know how many episodes
28----------Episodes 55 through 82!