I think that it's episode 157: Destroy Naraku With the Adamant Barrage! I like this episode too.
That epidoe is called "The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique." It's the second episode of Inuyasha's battle with Ryukotsei.
Episode 97 of Inuyasha: Kirara, Come Home! doesn't actually say when InuYasha practices the Wind Scar on Kirara, but from looking at the flashback when Shippo points out various things Inuyasha has done to Kirara; this leads me to believe that this may have happened in Episode 36 of InuYasha: "Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, The Wolf-Demon".
Sesshomaru demonstrated it to Inuyasha and during a battle when Inuyasha was blinded he learned to use his other senses beside his eyes and "feels" the two wind "paths" blending together creating a wind scar, he strikes it with his Tenseiga and bam the magic happens. :)
yes,in episode 168 of shippuden
Sakura was in a nurse uniform in episode 213 (filler).
episode 99. While Koga and InuYasha fight over chips ^_^
That epidoe is called "The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique." It's the second episode of Inuyasha's battle with Ryukotsei.
Episode 97 of Inuyasha: Kirara, Come Home! doesn't actually say when InuYasha practices the Wind Scar on Kirara, but from looking at the flashback when Shippo points out various things Inuyasha has done to Kirara; this leads me to believe that this may have happened in Episode 36 of InuYasha: "Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, The Wolf-Demon".
The moves don't actually collide with the anime, so you can watch them whenever you want to. But if you're going to watch the moves all at one, watch them in order, from 1 to 4, because in the 4th Inuyasha does learn Adamant Barrage which is AFTER episode 157 or 158.
Yes, from the sword master Totasai, who originaly created the Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha's father's fangs. You will learn about it in manga/episode 28. Unfortunately, adding his demon fang, made the Tetsusaiga, "gain weight".
It's not known. In the final animated episode of the Inuyasha series (Episode 26 of the Inuyasha: Kanketsuhen or Inuyasha: The Final Act, titled "Toward Tomorrow"), Rin is now living in the village with Kaede. Sesshomaru still journeys with Jaken as always, but he returns to the village to bring Rin gifts, such as a new kimono.In the narration, it is said that Rin is living in the village so that she can learn more about human ways, and that "when the time comes," she can choose where she wants to live. Presumably, her alternatives are with Sesshomaru (a demon) or in the village (with humans and Inuyasha).You can watch this and the other episodes in The Final Act by going to Shonen Sunday's anime website.
i dont know but keep trying
he learns water bomb justu naruto uzimaki barrage and others
Sesshomaru demonstrated it to Inuyasha and during a battle when Inuyasha was blinded he learned to use his other senses beside his eyes and "feels" the two wind "paths" blending together creating a wind scar, he strikes it with his Tenseiga and bam the magic happens. :)
DBZ episode 193
Episode 5