The second line from the bottom is a G. The lines from bottom to top are E, G, B, D, F (Every Good Boy Does Fine). The spaces from the bottom are F, A, C, E.
If you mean third space down from the top, it's C. If you mean third space up from the bottom, it's E.
There is no particular name for it... its just the measure that you repeat from the starting at the first double bar line (the first double bar is on the left side of the measure, the second on the right.)
Her full name is Anna Williamson
clarance (dont no his second name)
her real name is lottie i dont known her second name
the treble clef :)
G clef is another name for the treble clef (it circles the G line on the staff). It represents a higher range than the bass clef.
It indicates the position of G
Name the following notes in the treble clef
Middle C, which is one ledger line below the treble staff, and one ledger line above the bass staff.
It is the Treble Clef, which I am sure was a typo. The lines from top to bottom follow the pattern of e, g, b, d, f. So the second line is g.
The proper name for the treble clef in music is the G clef, because the clef is a kind of medieval way of writing the letter G. You can see the simililarities in the shape of the clef to the shape of the upper-case (G) and lower-case (g) letters. The curved shape of the clef wraps around the second line from the bottom of the stave as though it is saying something about this line. It is actually saying that any note on this line is a G. Similarly, the "bass" clef is more properly known as the F clef because it is, again, an old-fashioned way of writing the letter F. The two dots above and below the second line from the top of the stave is saying something about this line, namely, that a note written on this line is an F.
Treble Clef
A g2 clef.
Bass Clef Treble Clef
"G" Clef. It's called this because the little curly thing wraps around the G line on the music staff.
G clef is another name for treble clef. The lines in the treble clef are E G B D and F. The spaces in the treble clef are F A C and E.