02 Feb 10
I'm listening to Prince's "Mountain" from his Parade (Under the Cherry Moon) album.
The melody, chords, etc. aren't the same, but it's got the same feeling, and the production (vocal, instrumental) is quite close. MGMT's Electric Feel is almost a recycled version of it.
27 June 09
I got it!!
HERE are 2 songs that are very close - Both 80's
1. http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=DQWbaT5uHDE&feature=related
At one min in. it really gets familiar.
Check this one by MJ -
Cheers !
19 JUNE 09
I agree, I can't put my finger on it but the main chords in it sound a lot like an 80s song. Like Toto - Africa? but not that.
OMG I Don't know but I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I thought it might be a song by Ratatat, but I can't figure it out either.
I know there's a Remix by justice, but its just a faster tempo with more guitar
it sounds brilliant, its like indie-electronic pop rock. so good, listen to it on youtube.
August 8, 2009
It reminds me of Strawberry letter 23 by Brothers Johnson...from the 80's.
sex sound baby
can you let me if my car should sound like a racing car
your armpit sounds like nothing,a single armpit cannot make any sound whatsoever
Noise and Music. Noise is an unpleasant sound and the Music is an organizing sound Pls. like it^_^
"Carrot" sounds like parrot and they're orange, on the other hand if you're saying it makes a sound like a parrot, you might be talking about a Macaw.
no.....it sounds more electric. That's like asking if an electrical guitar sounds like an acoustic. absolutly not! The regular violin can have more of a mellow, natural sound. With the electric violin you can get more of a modern sound. The electric violin is usually used in fiddle/bluegrass music. The regular violin is used in classical performances and orchestras. I personally do not play a electric violin because they sound so different. But you can get them in different disigns, colors, and sometimes you can change the sounds on them.
There are a number of different sounds a guitar can produce. It can be an Electric Guitar or an acoustic guitar both of which sound very different.
Yes, it does. It sounds exactly like the word "ate" which also has the long 'a' sound.
Yes a guitar amplifies sound although an acoustic sounds more than electric guitar but they all resonate sound
Yes, there are electric violins. My friend has an electric violin and it sounds amazing. Many orchestras use them to get a more modern sound.
The sound sensor provides an output signal voltage that responds to sound detected by a microphone. It will only respond to loud sounds.
They did not exactly speak, but there is little doubt that they used sound to communicate.
He sounds exactly the same, except that he is speaking Italian and not English.
The "switch" on an electric guitar generally switches between the pickups, for different sounds.
Memories are stored as electric pulses, so are the thing you hear. If you imagine a sound, you are imagining it as electric pulses.
The word "won" (past tense of to win) sounds exactly like the number "one."
sound or sounds. They sound terrible. The band sounds good.