The sea represents heaven. As people die bodies are taken out to the sea in gentle ways. The sea is described by words such as "light" and "gentle" making it clear it is not a hell, but a heaven.
Jack represents unbridled savagery and the desire for power.
The natural pool is close to the platform and the shelters.
Piggy was the last boy to reach the top of the mountain.
To the mountain to search for the beast.
It is where the plane crashed
It is where the plane crashed
The only "man" in the novel "Lord of the Flies" was a dead pilot who landed on the mountain top.
The Pig's Head aka The Lord of the Flies
In 'Lord of the Flies', the flies serve as a symbol of decay, death, and the inherent savagery within the boys. They are attracted to the rotting pig's head left as an offering to the "beast" and represent the moral degradation of the boys as they descend into barbarism. The constant presence of flies highlights the loss of civilization and the growing chaos on the island.
Simon represents Jesus Christ
the littluns represent the typical humans
The mountain is mentioned in Lord of the Flies at various points throughout the novel. It is primarily associated with the signal fire that the boys try to maintain in order to signal passing ships for rescue. The mountain also becomes a symbolic focal point for the boys' struggle to maintain order and civilization on the island.