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It means "small". The "pobol vean" are the Cornish piskies or "little people".

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Q: What does the cornish word vean mean?
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What does no nos vean mean in English?

I think it means "No we did not see them." Otro corrector: No, actually, for this translation, the sentence must be: "No, no (les, los, las) vimos", very different from "no nos vean"."No nos vean" has different meanings, since in English the subjunctive does not exist as in Spanish:1. Do not look at us! even "¡que no nos vean (ustedes / ellos)!", more emphatic than "no nos vean (ustedes / ellos)". With "ustedes", the sentence is a command, where as with "ellos", the senctence is a subjunctive with an indirect command.2. The subjunctive (a way in which, hypotheses, wishes, unreal facts, advises are expressed) of the verb "ver" (vea, veas, vea, veamos, veáis, vean) For this reason, a complete Spanish context should be expressing if in the context, the sentence is referring to USTEDES (you all) or ELLOS (they)"que no nos vean; ojalá y (que) no nos vean, espero (que) no nos vean, cuida que no nos vean", etc., etc. In this sense, a unique translation of "no nos vean" is extremely complicated in English.

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Vean Gregg was born on April 13, 1885.

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Vean Gregg was born on April 13, 1885.

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Vean Gregg died on July 29, 1964 at the age of 79.

What do the Cornish words Pedn-Olva mean?

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