Plo Koon's species, the Kel Dors, are completely adapted to their home planet, Dorin, that they cannot breathe or see in other atmospheres without special equipment.
The picture above is what Darth Vader looks like without his mask. He is very pale without almost powdery white skin, red-rimmed eyes, and scarring on his face and head.
Meta Knight is basically a blue Kirby with white eyes without his mask. When his mask is on it has a yellow tint so it makes his eyes appear yellow. He also wears a navy blue cape and purple shoes and has a shiny golden sword. SHINY!You can see Meta Knight without his mask in Kirby Super Star Ultra in a level that is like a tournament if you defeat him his mask falls and after a few seconds he leaves hope this helped.He also reveals his identity if Kirby squeak squad, when you defeat him in the watery area in the boss stage, it falls off and he panics and leaves, so look quick!
u-g-l-y. He's not wearing a mask; he was forced to undergo surgery and long story short that is his actual face not a mask. His brain and eyes and major organs are all with in his robotic body.
Nightwing. same look like batman but no wings or cape and no full-on mask. His weapon is like a bo-staff.
Plo Koon's species, the Kel Dors, are completely adapted to their home planet, Dorin, that they cannot breathe or see in other atmospheres without special equipment.
without his mask Meta Knight looks just like a blue Kirby
No one knows they never show what he looks like without a mask. And they probably wont show you.
Zack rider
he looks kind of like a little kid
click on the "Corey Without A Mask" link under related links.
a blue Kirby with white eyes. he freaks out when Kirby removes his mask and leaves.
Clayton Moore looks like the Lone Ranger .
well you have seen kane from wwe when he removed his mask he look horrible but its make up they look like normal poeple and kane looks how e was in 2010
without the mask. and with the mask
Actually,he's not wearing a mask,he has face paint on his face,and i don't know what he looks like when its off.
His species needs very minimal oxygen and the mask rejects most of it to allow him to breathe easily.