The picture above is what Darth Vader looks like without his mask. He is very pale without almost powdery white skin, red-rimmed eyes, and scarring on his face and head.
Anakin Skywalker is 22 years old in episode III and is a Jedi knight under the apprentice of obi wan kenobi and diseased Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn.
They use a fake belly and strap it on under their clothes.
Star Wars was originally written as a play by George Lucas, following the adventures of Luke Skywalker. It evolved however from that into the six piece saga that we have today. Ep. 4: Luke Skywalker and his uncle Owen bought 2 droids to work on their moisture farm (R2-D2 and C-3PO) Luke wants to go to the space academy but Owen won't let him. R2-D2(abbreviated as r2d2) runs off in search of obi wan kenobi because of a messege that Princess Leia has imbedded in him. He also holds the blue prints to the dreaded new death star hoping a weakness to be found. they find ben kenobi (which is obi wan under another name) they go to his house. Obi wan tells luke of his father Anakin Skywalker who was a Jedi who was murdered by the evil Darth Vader and obi gives luke his fathers old light saber a jedi's weapon. obi tells luke he should learn the ways of the force and become a jedi because all other jedi's are extinct ( except obi and yoda) Luke says no because he needs to get home. they leave and they find a jawa van and it had been destroyed by stormtroppers. the stormtroppers were looking for the two droids that Owen and luke bought. because inside r2d2 is the death star plans. luke figures out that since they detryed the jawa van then the must have tracked the tracks back to his home. he returns home and finds that his aunt beru and uncle Owen are dead. he returns to obi and tells him that they are dead and that he wants to become a jedi like his father. they go to Mos Eisley Cantina to find a ship to take them to the alderaan system to leia's father so he can find a weakness. they find han solo and chewbacca (abbriviated as chewie) and they take him to alderaan on the millennium falcon the fastest ship in the galaxy that made the kennel journey in less than 12 par secs. Darth Vader have leia on the death star and it is fully operational. they destroy her home planet of alderaan because she won't tell them where the hidden rebel base is . Alderaan is the system that luke obi chewie 3po r2d2 and han are going to. they get there and the planet is gone and they find the death star. the go aboard the death star (ds) and find leia and leave. obi dies while he is fighting Darth Vader at a lightsaber duel in the ds. they go to a planet and luke and many other pilots go on a journey and luke destroys the death star but luckily Darth Vader escapes without any injuries. the end I really don't want to tell the other 6 movies so i will leave you with this one and tell you to go see the movies because they rock!!!
Yes. In wikipedia, he is listed under an 'American Vegetarians' category.
he actually does, its true and its on wikipedia under personal life on his right shoulder
Anakin Skywalker is hidden under the helmet.
anikan skywalker
I will have to go with Jason Voorhees. Darth Vader was SET ON FIRE! and Jason drowned... that doesn't do anything to your face... Darth Vader FTW! Click on the links under this strange answer... I will leave it at that.
In terms of raw power and abilities, Darth Reven is considered to be stronger than Darth Vader. Darth Reven was a highly skilled and powerful Sith Lord, known for his mastery of the Force and lightsaber combat. However, Vader's combat experience and ruthless determination could make him a formidable opponent in a showdown.
He first appears under the guise of Darth Vader in the original film trilogy; Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and the subsequent prequel films present Anakin Skywalker, a conflicted Jedi Knight who falls to and returns from the dark side of the Force. Before his fall to the dark side, Vader fathers both Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa; Luke ultimately redeems his father in Return of the Jedi, and Anakin sacrifices himself to save his son.
He first appears under the guise of Darth Vader in the original film trilogy; Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and the subsequent prequel films present Anakin Skywalker, a conflicted Jedi Knight who falls to and returns from the dark side of the Force. Before his fall to the dark side, Vader fathers both Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa; Luke ultimately redeems his father in Return of the Jedi, and Anakin sacrifices himself to save his son.
go to below download the mega pack number one and look under demons it should say Darth if you want general grievous and a battle droid go to the robot folder
Darth Vader united the galaxy under the rule of the Galactic Empire by serving as the enforcer for Emperor Palpatine, using fear and power to maintain control over planets and systems. His ruthless tactics and mastery of the Force helped to crush resistance and solidify the Empire's authority across the galaxy.
Darth Sidious is a Sith lord and the main villain in the Star Wars movies. A patient and manipulative person, Sidious, under the guise of Senator, and later Chancellor Palpatine orchestrated the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire. He also played on Anakin Skywalker's fears in order to turn him to the Dark Side and dub him Darth Vader, whom he then order to help wipe out the Jedi. Sidious then established himself as emperor and ruled for some years until Vader killed him to save his son, Luke Skywalker.
to get Darth Vader genral greivos and a battle droid go to droidz . org and search for droidz and it should come up with old droidz stick figures 1 and 2 down load both they have cool figures in them now back to question after downloads extract all the folders and sick figures to wherever. now once you've done that go to stickfigures not 1 not 2 but plain stick figures and the for Darth Vader open demon folder and he will be there under Darth then for droid and greivous go to robot folder and there under battle droid and genral greivous are.. wel greivos and a battle droid :) have fun.
A cubic foot of corn oil weighs about 28.136 kg or a bit under 62.4 pounds.
Yes you can wear a skull cap under a ski helmet.