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They use a fake belly and strap it on under their clothes.

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Q: How do actors play the pregnancy role if their not really pregnant?
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Could you have pregnancy symptoms but you when to the doctor and the test was negative?

loads of us go through pregnancy symptoms when we're not pregnant our mind it play tricks on us!!!!! just get over it really cause if it came up negative your not pregnant just forget about it because the more you think about it the more your body will believe your pregnant and that's why you go through pregnancy symptoms because it on your mind all time then your body thinks your pregnant

What role did Elizabeth's pregnancy play in her status as accused?

From the Crucible, correct? It didn't really play a role in Abigail's accusation, it just prolonged her execution. When Elizabeth was accused of being a witch by Abigail, and was being held in jail upon waiting to be hanged, she believed herself to be pregnant and thus told judges Danforth and Hathorne. It turned out she was pregnant, and not wanting to kill the child growing inside of her, the judges postponed her execution until after the pregnancy was over. Because of that postponement, she lived through the entire thing.

You are on the pill and have recently missed it and are now on your period but its heavy bleeding and you are also having all the signs of pregnancy but test says neg could you still be pregnant?

You very well could be. Also, Sometimes if a women really truly wants to be pregnant, her mind can play tricks on her, making her think she is pregnant when she isn't, and "she" doesn't want to look at the fact that it very well also could be their period getting ready to begin. True enough it can be very hard to tell the difference because symptoms for pregnancy and PMS are all the same. GOOD LUCK TO YOU WHATEVER YOUR OUTCOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Sims 2 how do you have a pregnancy test?

In Sims 2 you can't take pregnancy tests, you usually can tell if they are pregnant because they will get morning sickness, after they woohoo a little chime will play and of course the "baby bump".

Normal period negative pregnancy test many early signs of pregnancy what is wrong?

Sometimes if you are concerned of becoming pregnant or excited to become pregnant your mind can play tricks on you and you can think you are experiencing these symptoms. Are you late this month? It is possible that you may have tested too early. Make sure you are testing at the appropriate time and do it with morning urine since it will have the strongest concentration of the pregnancy hormone.

Should kids play pregnancy games?

I would not suggest it, but if its kid fun not grown up fun it is perfectly fine. When little kids play house they mimic real life so pretending to be pregnant is normal. If they have parents who are pregnant it's even more natural. There is no harm in this.

If you have your period and you play with yourself and your brother is playing with u like playfighting and is on his puberty can you get pregnant?

As long as his penis doesn't come near your vagina, you should be fine. Play-fighting or wrestling (with clothing on), would not lead to pregnancy.

What famous actors or actresses play clarinet?

Julia Roberts, Jim Carrey, loads really

Are Pam and Jim on the office really marred in real life?

The actors who play the characters are not married

What does it mean whenyou have your period and have pregnancy signs but you dont no if you are?

You need to take a test to find out. Usually when you worry yourself about it your body will play games on you. The best thing to do if you feel pregnant is go get check.

Did MJ really play Barny?

No. Names on Barny Actors have been officially announced. MJ is not on the list.

Should pregnant woman play sport?

anything that makes you jog or run or any contact sports are an absolute no. Other than that you should talk to a doctor depending on your body and see what is safe or not for your pregnancy.