The word "con" means "with" in English, and the word "sordina" means "mute". So, the phrase con sordina means that the music is to be played "with a mute". This could be a mute on your Trumpet, violin, drums, etc.
Similar uses of "con": "con anima" means with spirit, "con fuoco" means with fire
ru con in music is a Vietnamese National Song and Dance.
It means "with." Chili con Queso is Chili with Cheese.
Music played in a harmonic, chordal texture.
At a Moderate tempo but with motion. At least that's the way I always interpreted it.
'con sordino' literally means 'with mute.' Any stringed instrument, certain brass and woodwinds, and certain percussion instruments, including the piano, can be played con sordino.
Melinda Sordino was created in 1999.
ru con in music is a Vietnamese National Song and Dance.
With dash, with impetus. ---- Answered by: James Hong RCM Certified Music History
Con means "together with"
No, con does not mean not. Con- means together or with.
In music terminology, ritmo means rhythms. It is frequently used in jazz music. Con ritmo is to play a particular music work 'with rhythm', in other words no tempo alternations as in rubato.
Se escribe con you con acento
con = with dia = day
hablaron con means they spoke to
"Con espirito" is Spanish for "with spirit".