Do you mean "ostinato"? That is a short musical phrase that is repeated many times.
Music played in a harmonic, chordal texture.
dynamics is how loud or quiet a piece of music is
Music shapes human identity.
Could you be more specific about what you mean? What is the context in which this 't' appears in music? And what sort of music are you referring to?
Do you mean back-up singers? Or do you mean "who was in the music video''?
Music with lesbians doe
it mean only a music for a song, but no one sing it, it' only a music for a song..
The music gets louder
it means what did they do in their music career
Forte means loud in music.
A pattern in music that is cycling:)
It means type of music, as an a genre.
If you Mean Music as in the Music industry/mainstream World... It's a Grammy.
If you mean sheet music, you can download it. If you mean karaoke, youtube.