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pp - pianissimo - very soft

p - piano - soft

mp - mezzo-piano - medium-soft

mf - mezzo-forte - medium-loud

f- forte - loud

ff - fortissimo - very loud

cresc. - crescendo - get louder

decresc. - decrescendo - get softer

sf - sforzando - sudden accent

sfp - sforzando-piano - sudden accent and sudden piano

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Dynamic markings are symbols used to indicate that the music should be performed at different levels of loudness and softness

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dynamic markings tell you how loud or soft to play.

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Q: What does a dynamic marking mean....for piano.?
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What does a dynamic marking P mean?

A dynamic marking P stands for "piano," which is Italian for "soft." This indicates that the music should be played softly or quietly.

What does the dynamic marking pp mean?

The dynamic marking "pp" stands for pianissimo, which means to play very softly. It is quieter than piano (p), directing the performer to play at an extremely low volume.

What does the dynamic marking p mean in measure 1?

The dynamic mark p stands for "piano" and means to play the passage softly.

What does p mean in music notation?

p stands for piano in musical notation. It is a dynamic marking which indicates the piece or section should be played soft.

Which dynamic marking is the softest?

The dynamic marking that is the softest is pianissimo, which is abbreviated as pp. It indicates that the music should be played very softly.

whaht does p symbolizes as a dynamic marking?


What is the dynamic of the piano?

The piano's dynamic cange is very wide. It extends from very soft to thunderously loud - loud enough to balance a full symphony orchestra.

Piano what does the marking on the legs of the piano mean?

Nothing, really. Usually if there are any it's just for decoration.

What does the dynamic marking mean in measure 1?

Pizza & waffles ! :) <3

What line is the dynamic for in piano?

If the dynamic is written underneath the treble cleff and there is no dynamic underneath the bass cleff then it applies to both lines.

Which dynamic marking would indicate to the performer to play gradually louder?


Where is expressive indication written on music?

Expression is indicated anywhere throughout a piece of music using dynamic markings like forte (f) mp (mezzo piano) pianississimo (ppp) Or in Italian like tranquillio, mysterioso, lively, expressively, etc. Generally you will see a dynamic marking at the beginning of a piece and then it can change throughout.