Naruto has stated many times that he hates people that lie to themselves. Some of the Naruto fans also believe that he hates Sasuke. However that is not true because Naruto loves Sasuke as a friend and that's why he is so desperate to bring him back to the Leaf Village.
it would take days so read the manga .i hate it
No sasuke does not hate sakura, he loves her both ways, if you are a naruto fan u can go to and watch the episodes you did not see, or that you missed. No he doesn't hate her, but he doesn't love her either.
Hinata Hyuuga is the chick with the white eyes that is from the main branch of the hyuga clan and no neji is not on the main branch he just likes acting like a punk :] she is also the best girl character on naruto!!!neji is just her cousin! for the record, i think naruto and hinata would make a great couple if sakura wasn't on the show, i just hate her! ^-^
Naruto vs. Haku, Naruto vs. Orochimaru, Naruto vs. Kimimaru, Naruto vs. Sasuke, Naruto vs. Deidara/Sasori, Naruto vs. Orochimaru, Naruto vs. Pain.
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In my opinion, Naruto is. I hate Sasuke.
I personally do not hate any of them. How could you hate any of them?
No but he hates you
He doesn't.
NO Naruto does not hate Sasuke, why do you think he spends so much time trying to "save" him from Orochimaru? I've seen Naruto cry about Sasuke in episodes and Naruto even said he thinks of Sasuke more as a brother than Itachi does. So I think Naruto doesn't hate Sasuke but I agree there is some "rival" issues but that doesn't mean he hates him. I hope Naruto's and Sasuke's relationship stays good.
No, he thinks of her as a friend.
well kinda.he is jelous of naruto because he is better than him
naruto because she hate sasuke now.
no there is only nine tails and naruto doesnt hate sasuke
"I Hate Everything About You", by 3 Days Grace, because it highlights Pain asking Naruto "Do You Hate Me?" and it is an awesome rock song.
KARIN, a lot of naruto fans started hating her from the moment she was created and debuted, some hated her looks some hate her attitude and some just plain hate her who is useless and is talentless.
If you are asking: Did naruto's dad hate his Naruto, Then the answer is no not at all Naruto's dad loved his son he was his world I can't go into details without posting spoilers so I'm not going to