Kun is a Japanese word used by senior person to address junior person . Also used by females who are emotionally connect with.
they are just prefixes at the end of names. Chan is often used for girls and childrenand kun & sama are used for someone when you talk to them informally (or something like that...)
Sasuke is about to cause another Great Shinobi War.I disagree with that pairing - a lot. once but i think that's it it was when naruto shippudden movie bonds came out in subbed when him and naruto could die in stead of saying n-naruto-kun she said sasuke-kun!
No, Naruto thinks of Hinata as a close friend. Hinata doesn't want him to be her boyfriend, She just really admires him ( yes i know she said she loved him but she wasn't saying " will u be my boyfriend Naruto-kun?").
If you look at other questions i answered what -Chan means but -kun is used to show endearment towards boys. Otherwise it's used to show the person using it knows them well.
they are just prefixes at the end of names. Chan is often used for girls and childrenand kun & sama are used for someone when you talk to them informally (or something like that...)
No, Sakura usually refers to Naruto as "Naruto" or by his last name, "Uzumaki." She does not commonly use the honorific "-kun" when addressing him in the manga.
(by anime-gurl) Naruto- kun had the chance to finish off sasuke or how you say defect him!!! Because that rasengan is super powerful than sasuke's chidori! Naruto kun just didn't want to kill are hurt sasuke_ kun badly because they are best friends!
Sasuke is about to cause another Great Shinobi War.I disagree with that pairing - a lot. once but i think that's it it was when naruto shippudden movie bonds came out in subbed when him and naruto could die in stead of saying n-naruto-kun she said sasuke-kun!
What? Please improve your English. If you're asking why Sakura told Naruto she loved him, my answer is: Because she thought she could fool him into giving up on searching for Sasuke. She told Naruto she had given up on "Sasuke-KUN." -kun is an affectionate honorific used on males. Females use it on males usually when they have a crush on the guy. Sakura is a fangirl who needs a life. What would she have told Naruto if he believed she loved him back and then wanted to start dating her? Naruto is not as stupid as he appears. He knew Sakura didn't mean it and was very hurt by her saying those 4 words, which should NEVER EVER be faked. The prove of her fangirl crush on Sasuke still being there was her calling him "Sasuke-KUN," as well as her not denying she still liked Sasuke. Instead she said, "Sasuke-kun keeps getting farther and farther from me. Why should I 'love' a criminal?" Sakura is a player.
-Kun is mostly at the end of boys names. Example; Hiroto-kun (Boy)Sorry for not explaining at properly.
pom la kun is thai and means i love you
-kun is usually added to the end of a boy's name
it means just for me
No, Naruto thinks of Hinata as a close friend. Hinata doesn't want him to be her boyfriend, She just really admires him ( yes i know she said she loved him but she wasn't saying " will u be my boyfriend Naruto-kun?").