In the "Twilight" Saga novels by Stephenie Meyer, the town where Bella lives is called Forks, Washington. This is an actual town located on the Olympic Peninsula, in the state of Washington. Jacob's place of residence, the Quileute Reservation is also a real location.
In Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, Bella's daughter is Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-NEZ-may) Carlie Cullen.
If the question is about the character Jacob from Twilight Saga then his sister's names are Rachel and Rebecca.
Twilight, the first book.
To me a lot cause it sets up the hole love story and how they truly fell in love. if you don't read it, you can't fully understand why Bella is so heart broken in the next book. or what Jacob told her in twilight about his family's history.
Jacob lives on the Quileute Reservation near La Push
Edward kisses Bella in all the twilight saga. Jacob was so close to kiss Bella in new moon!!!(TEAM JACOB RULES!!!)
Yes. Bella is 18 and Jacob is 15 or 16.
No, Bella and Edward did.
Yes. Jacob Black imprints on Bella's baby in Breaking Dawn.
In The Twilight Saga, Bella finds Quileute Legends by listening to stories told by the Quileute tribe members, particularly Jacob Black. She is intrigued by the history and folklore surrounding the tribe, which leads her to ask questions and learn more about their culture. Bella's curiosity and interactions with the Quileute people help her uncover the legends associated with La Push beach.
In the "Twilight" Saga novels by Stephenie Meyer, the town where Bella lives is called Forks, Washington. This is an actual town located on the Olympic Peninsula, in the state of Washington. Jacob's place of residence, the Quileute Reservation is also a real location.
Jacob runs off like a little sucky pants.
The setting for twilight New Moon is... Bella and Jacob hope that answered your question
edward, jacob,and bella
Eclipse, the third one, when she punshes Jacob