They are using different light filter lenses and so they do not appear to be so pale. Also, the new director wanted the difference between Edward and Bella to be more pronounced as you can see that he is still fairly pale and she has more color to her skin than the first movie.
he sort of freaked out and thought Bella was pregnant when she and edward were going to tell him that they were engaged....but he didnt do much yelling and stuff cuz he thought renee was going to be furious when she finds out.but to his surprise and Bella's......she was fine w/ her decision becuz she trusts charlie'll have to deal w/ it that she was getting married to edward....but he never finds out that she was a vampire.but knows that there is something different abt her and renesmee....
Because there's no probable reason for Edward and Bella to be married so soon,and during the discussion, Charlie jumped to conclusions.
The answer is, Mike thinks that Edward wants to eat Bella.
I think your talking about Eclipse where Jacob gives Bella the braclet with the wolf charm and the Edward gives her the heart charm. I don't think she got a necklace in New Moon. But Bella did get a necklace from Aro in Breaking Dawn.
Edward will forever be 17, and Bella will be 18.
Well, Bella is talking toCharlie about getting married and she says something like "OK Dad this might think this is shocking but . . ." Then Charlie thinks she's pregnant. And thinks about shooting Edward. (Edward is standing right next to Bella) But doesn't, then Bella tells him there getting married and he still freaks but calms down. (i've read the books) (This may not be in the movie)
that Bella is pregent... But they really just wanted to tell him that their engaged
I think its when Bella and edward get married :))
Because there's no probable reason for Edward and Bella to be married so soon,and during the discussion, Charlie jumped to conclusions.
ummm. . .i don't think so, but she does compare Edward to a graceful lion.
Charlie didn't like Edward at all because of how he left Bella Putting her through torture for what seemed like forever.
i think Bella gets pregnant with EDWARDS baby
Not in real life but in either eclipse or breaking dawn yes and Bella becomes a vampire i think. but im positive that Bella has Edwards baby
Yes, at the beginning of Breaking Dawn, Bella tells Charlie that she is marrying Edward. He goes purple, and Bella considers using the heimlich manouveur on him. He jumps to the conclusion that she is pregnant, until Bella reassures him that she is not! Read it, its my fave chapter in the book!
EJ as in Edward Jr since its Edwards child. Alot of people say its Edward/Jacob but that's not true. I think it is Edward Jacob as Bella loves both of them. Also, Bella blushed when Edward asked her why.
Of course they make love how do you think Bella has a baby for edward named renesmee ( a combination between Bella's mother's name renee' and after edward's intensive purposes mother Esme) (renesmee's middle name carlie is a combination between Bella's father's name charlie and edward's father's name carlisle) (renesmee's last name Cullen is her mom and dad's (Bella & edward) married last name.
i think making her something to eat or i think he was outside..i dnt remember
In Breaking dawn he was surprised and scared also he felt guilty because he had gotten Bella pregnant with a beautiful monster who turned out to be a little angel.