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I think your talking about Eclipse where Jacob gives Bella the braclet with the wolf charm and the Edward gives her the heart charm. I don't think she got a necklace in New Moon. But Bella did get a necklace from Aro in Breaking Dawn.

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Q: In what chapter in new moon did Bella get a necklace?
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In what chapter in new moon does Bella get a necklace?

Bella doesn't get the necklace until Breaking Dawn. It is chapter: 35-Deadline

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I think it was a stereo for Bella's truck. Go on and read the 1st chapter of New Moon for more details(: A necklace

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Bella does not get pregnant in New Moon. She gets pregnant in Breaking Dawn but... Bella figures out she pregnant in chapter 7, but Edward gets Bella pregnant in the chapter called isle Esme.

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Edward leaves Bella in New Moon chapter 3, page 60. =)

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Their gift for Bella was a CD which Edward compose.In the movie Alice gives Bella a necklace.

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What chapter of eclipse does Edward prpose to Bella?

Edward proposes in New Moon. I went to see the movie the other night. Edward says "Bella, will you marry me?" and she just gasps and then the movie New Moon ends. I believe Edward proposes in either the last or the second last chapter of New Moon. the movie versions of the books do not follow the storyline very well and are not a reliable source.

What chapter does edward come back in in new moon?

Edward returns in Chapter 23 "New" in the book "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer. It is towards the end of the book when he reunites with Bella in Volterra, Italy.

What did Bella get for her 18th birthday in New Moon?

Bella got a camera, and a scrapbook from Charlie and Renne. She got a necklace, two airplane tickets to Florida, and a decent sound system in her truck from the Cullen's for her 18th birthday in New Moon.