Twilight-the end of the day, the begining of a night. New Moon-The New Moon is the darkest night of the month, because the sun does not reflect light on the moon. In 'New Moon', it is the darkest time in Bella's life because Edward has left her. Eclipse-there is a new light covering Bella's love for Edward Breaking Dawn- new passion comes in Edward and Bella's relationship because Bella becomes a vampire and they have Reneesme.
she chose him in new moon, but in eclipse the status between Jacob and Bella changes. he realizes that he REALLY loves her and near the end, Bella realizes she loves Jacob so it was a hard decision.
she ends up with Edward and they have a baby.. but she gets very close to Jacob in new moon when Edward leaves her. but in the end she chooses Edward.
In the book New Moon Bella spends most of her time down a La Push, because Edward leaves her, and she was at first to deppressed to move. Then she ends up heading down to La Push to enjoy the comfort of Jacob.
Bella folds the picture because she doesn't think she deserves Edward. She feels that Edward is better then her and she folds the picture to prove that, she doesn't like herself just Edward.
no she doesn't. edward leaves Bella in new moon
Edward and Bella kiss in New Moon again in New Moon in Bella's Birthday.
basically Edwards family leaves and does not take Bella
Bella does not break a promise but in New MOON SHE DOES becasue she craves Edward and she refuses to let go
Yes, Edward does purpose to Bella at the end of New Moon.
Bella saw Edward again in New Moon in her dreams
yes they do edward breaks uo with Bella to protect her but they realise they just cant live without eat other
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be playing Edward and Bella in New moon
Bella chooses edward
nopee it was a new moon when edward left Bella :)
The reslolution in New Moon by Stephanie Meyer is that Bella and Alice go and save Edward after Edward belives Bella is dead
edward doesn't hear Bella's voice!!! Bella hears his