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Bella folds the picture because she doesn't think she deserves Edward. She feels that Edward is better then her and she folds the picture to prove that, she doesn't like herself just Edward.

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Q: In New Moon why does Bella fold the picture of her and Edward?
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How do you use fold in a sentence?

Here are some examples with the word fold in a sentence. Ex 1: First you fold the paper this verticaly. Ex 2: Please fold the paper and put it in the envelope. You can also use it with ED at the end as foldED. Ex 1: I folded the paper and stuffed it in the envelope. Ex 2: After I folded the paper verticaly, I drew a picture of a dog. =)floppyj10

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Mountian fold,valley fold,fold and unfold arrow,fold in front of arrow,fold behind arrow.

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Plier= to fold plie is fold

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