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Q: What do you do once you beat the joker in batman Arkum asylum?
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How do you beat TITAN in batman arkum city?

use explosive gel

In the arkham asylum 2 sneak peek is the joker old or just beat up?

He's still beat up from when Batman kicked his buttocks and from when he changed back to normal at the end of the the first Batman Arkham Asylum game.

How do you unlock Joker?

You can unlock Joker in Lego Batman 2. To do this, you have to beat the game with Batman and then defeat the Joker with The Flash on the Ace Chemical Building.

Is scarecrow in arkham asylum 2?

Well I don't know. last I saw at the end of the batman arkham asylum game was scare crows hand come out of the water when batman flew by on his jet, well that's after you beat joker at the end. Hey if you don't know what I'm talking about, you've got to get the batman arkham asylum game it's really cool you'll love it!!

What do you do after you beat joker in batman arkham asylum Xbox360?

The story line is finished. You can now collect all the Riddler's questions and "Annalise" all the "beetle" tablets to completely finish up the game.

Do the joker teeth from Arkham Asylum disappear if you beat the Joker first?

No, they do not disappear. The collectables are not missable, you can get them all after completing the game.

Would injustice joker beat up arkham city joker?

Joker arkham city would beat him up 2 reasons: The Injustice Joker would be tied up and Joker would kick him out of his lair. He would have Injustice Batman with him

How do you beat batman arkham asylem?

There is no set way to beat batman arkham asylum, but if you use batmans detective mode, it helps guide you through the game.

After you beat titan joker is the game over arkam asylum?

yeah it sucks i know but is is over but it is an cool game

Why was Harley Quinn so sad after Joker's death from Batman Arkham City?

if u would have known how they fell in love then you would kno why she was sad but i will explain it to u if i must: harleeen quinnzelle started out as a sane nurse working for Arkham asylum. on her first day the Joker noticed her and later in the day the Joker sent her a love note stating "come see me some time-J." at this harleen became interested and went to interview the joker. harleen unexpectedly listened to a sad life story of how his father beat him and how Joker tried to get his father to laugh once in awhile but never could. he also explained how batman would never understand the jokes that he played to try and get everyone to have a laugh. after that interview harleen became madly interested with him. later in the week Joker escaped from Arkham asylum but was soon caught and placed back in the asylum with major injuries. harleen was worried about him all during the while and when joker was placed back in the asylum she decided to become the Harlequinnade and bust him out. since then harleen has been obsessed with Joker and his psychotic ways. when joker died she experienced the loss of a lifetime because Joker was all she had. i actually think its kinda sad

Who is tougher batman 1989 joker or dark knight joker?

The 1989 one because the Joker has scars on his face. Here's 2 ways Joker 1989 beat up the Dark Knight Joker: He punched him and knocked him out. He shakes his hand.

Who would win in a rap battle The Joker or Pennywise?

The Joker would win, one he is friends with Batman, two he is awesome. Two he would start of with a beat from Batman, and start with the saying "Do you want to know how I got these scars?"