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The FLIES are a representation of the evil and decay that exists in all humanity. Flies live on death, the flies do not care who of what you were, their job is to clean up the mess left behind. The flies also represent the boys, who are drawn to the evil that Jack represents just as the real flies are draw to the pig's head on the stick, which was an offering to the beast.

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I don't know, what do jack represent.

Grammar people, its important, I think this particular person uses autocorrect too much

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Q: What do the flies represent in Lord of the Flies?
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What does the flies represent in 'Lord of the Flies'?

In 'Lord of the Flies', the flies serve as a symbol of decay, death, and the inherent savagery within the boys. They are attracted to the rotting pig's head left as an offering to the "beast" and represent the moral degradation of the boys as they descend into barbarism. The constant presence of flies highlights the loss of civilization and the growing chaos on the island.

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What do flies represent in the novel Lord of the Flies?

Iv never read the book but im gona go out on a limb and say flies

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The Pig's Head aka The Lord of the Flies

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Simon represents Jesus Christ

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Type your answer here... Leadership, order, and society

What does Jack represent in Lord of the Flies?

Jack represents unbridled savagery and the desire for power.

What is the symbolic meaning of flies in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," flies are often seen swarming around the pig's head, known as the Lord of the Flies. This symbolizes the presence of evil on the island and the boys' descent into savagery. The flies also represent decay and the moral corruption of the boys as they lose their humanity.