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Chakras or whirling energy centers are very important part of the energy body. Just as the visible physical body has vital and minor organs, the energy body has major,minor and mini chakras. Major Chakras are energy centers which in general are about three to four inches in diameter. They control and energize the major and vital organs of the visible physical body. They are just like power stations that supply life energy or prana to different organs. When the power stations malfunction, the corresponding vital organs become sick or deseased because they do not have enough life energy to operate properly!

The chakras have several important functions:

They absorb,digest and distribute prana to the different parts of the body.

The Chakras control and energize, and are responsible for the proper functioning

of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. The endocrine glands

are controlled and energized by some of the major chakras. The endocrine glands

can be stimulated or inhibited by controlling or manipulating the major

chakras. A lot of ailments are caused partially by the malfunctioning

of the chakras.

Some chakras are sites or centers of psychic faculties.

Activation of certain chakras may result in the development of certain

psychic faculties. For example, among the easiest and safest chakras to

activate are the hand minor chakras. These are located at the center of

the palms. By activating these chakras, one develops the ability to

feel subtle energies and the ability to feel and sense different parts

of the aura.

Many ancient esoteric books reveal only seven chakras or less.

Although a few of them hint on the existence of more than seven.

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How do you use a chakra?

Well, I think you used the wrong choice of words. Chakra's aren't something you can just use. Plus, chakra is a noun, so it isn't right to say "a chakra" you have to say "chakra" unsless you are reffering to one of the 7 chakras. Then you have an exception. But to answer your question, (by the way you asked this) Im guessing you don't know a lot about the chakras (please take no offesnse, when I was first learning about them I was confused). The chakras are spinning wheels of energy. However, you can't just "focus" and use your chakra to create fire or send a tornada. I don't mean to rain on your parade, but that's not possible (at least as far as trying to do that alone with the chakras goes). Chakras create balance in your life. You can ejoy the flow of energy created by your chakra, and yes, you can feel and expiriance that. You have to learn how to camly focus your energy and send it through out your body. I don't want to make this to long, so if you want to learn how to clear and create pure energy, search meditation on Google, wikipedia, ask or any serch engine.

What is pranayam?

Ujjayi breathing is a breath technique employed in a variety of Taoist and Yoga practices. In relation to Yoga, it is sometimes called "the ocean breath". Ujjayi is a diaphragmatic breath, which first fills the lower belly (activating the first and second chakras), rises to the lower rib cage (the third and fourth chakras), and finally moves into the upper chest and throat.

What time does jimmy johns open?

I don't know if they all open at the same but one near me opens at 11am

Who wrote Open all Hours and Keeping up appearances?

Both were written by Roy Clarke.

How do you get past the fans in Doctor Who game K9 Deja Vu?

go round the corner and there is a chest open it and get out the ak-47 and kill all the fans

Related questions

How can open these Chakras?

There are many ways to open or activate chakras. 1.Doing meditation in early morning, By mudras, Chanting mantras, ect

How can i manipulate my chakras?

I am not sure what you mean by manipulate your chakras. You can keep your chakras open so the energy will flow uninterrupted. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this. See my website Chakra page for detailed information.

How can you open your six chakras?

find harold klemp on google. if you want it. so chose it

What happens when two peoples charkras open?

Chakras are not solid, but rather flowing and changing aspects of your being and having them open (or opening them) is nothing to be concerned for or afraid of. It is not uncommon for chakras to open. Energy work of most kinds require it. If you are doing energy work; cleansing, recharging or aligning your chakra, or helping someone else to do so, it is best done with your chakras open to allow the easy flow of energies between the two. In some instances when two people are very attuned to one another their chakras will open spontaneously during intimacy. There are even teachings that show you how to do this as a couple in order to deepen the bond between you.

When was The Chakras created?

The Chakras was created in 2006.

How do you tap your chakras?

What does that mean, tap your chakras?

Does everyone have chakras?

Yes everyone has chakras.

What are the 13 chakras?

Though most people only ever speak of 7 chakras, there are in fact many more than your main 7. There are more than 13 chakras and I will list some of them for you: two temple chakras [either side of 3rd eye chakra], 2 hip chakras [either side of base chakra], 2 shoulder chakras, elbow chakras [1 on each elbow], wrist chakras [1 on each wrist], palm chakras [1 in each palm], knee chakras [1 on each knee] and feet chakras [1 in each foot]. Some also say there is one on the base of your skull. The rest of these chakras are smaller than the main 7.

Are chakras real?

To those who believe in Chakras, they are very real. To those who do not believe in Chakras, naturally, they are not. There is no objective when dealing with matters of spirituality, so it cannot be said whether or not Chakras are real.

When you open a chakra where do you bleed?

Chakras are centers of spiritual energy not literal organs- When you open a chakra you are not doing physical damage so there would be no blood loss.

How do you unblock your chakras?

There are a variety of ways to unblock chakras. Please see the Chakra page on my website for a detailed explanation of the chakras and how to keep them healthy.

How can chakras be used in healing?

Chakras are energy meridians in the body. When they are clogged or closed, it will contribute to emotional and physical disorders. By cleansing and opening the chakras, we heal the body.