They warn Ralph that Jack plans to hunt him the next day and that Roger has "sharpened a stick at both ends."
Sam and Eric warn Ralph that Jack and the others are going to hunt him tomorrow. There for they are going to kill him
Jack, Roger, and the Littluns kill Simon when he shows up to warn them.
The Music Man
(Apex) A. Medusa
Frost Advisories are simply that..... advisories. They warn farmers or anyone that may be affected by the damage caused by frost.
Sam and Eric warn Ralph that Jack and the others are going to hunt him tomorrow. There for they are going to kill him
Ralph learns of Jack's plans for him through Samneric, who are forced to join Jack's tribe and spy on Ralph's group. Samneric bring Ralph news of Jack's intentions to hunt him down and kill him. This betrayal shows Ralph the extent of Jack's animosity towards him.
Sam and Eric betray Ralph by joining Jack's tribe and refuse to help him. They warn Ralph that Jack's tribe plans to hunt him, demonstrating their loyalty to the new tribe. Sam and Eric become caught in the middle of the power struggle between Ralph and Jack.
Ralph warns Sam and Eric about the imminent danger posed by Jack and his tribe, urging them to remain vigilant and not betray his location. He emphasizes the importance of staying together to stand a better chance of survival against the violent and unpredictable group.
Jack and Roger have sharpened a stick at both ends to hunt and kill Ralph. Their plan is to hunt Ralph like they did with the sow, to terrify him and flush him out. Samneric warn Ralph that they are being hunted and that Jack's tribe will sharpen a stick at both ends and have Roger guard the way in.
Ralph learns of Jack's plans for him in Chapter 12 when he overhears Samneric's conversation about Jack's intention to hunt him like a pig. This revelation prompts Ralph to flee for his life through the jungle while being hunted by Jack and his tribe.
Normally no. They don't bite, but the ydo bark to warn.
Jack, Roger, and the Littluns kill Simon when he shows up to warn them.
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No, the Lord of the Flies does not warn Simon of upcoming violence. Instead, it taunts and threatens him, leading to Simon's tragic fate.
Dracula warns Jonathan not to fall asleep at night in any part of the castle except the chambers set aside for him.
Hannah was trying to warn the other girls that the guard was dangerous and should not be trusted. She was trying to protect them and prevent any harm from coming to them.