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Many watched minstrels, which were much like modern-day entertainers. They sang, dance, told stories, and even told the news. Minstrels were travelers unless they were hired by a higher up official; such as a Noble.

Morality plays were important, and took place in churches.


There was also a range of street entertainment, though we now see a good deal of that as barbaric: bear-baiting, dog- or cock- fighting, etc.

More constructively, it was the done thing, especially for women, to be able to play a musical instrument or sing reasonably well, for private get-togethers in the home.

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10y ago
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10y ago

The entertainment that people in the 1300s had depended on their level of wealth. The wealthier they were, the fancier and more plentiful the entertainment. Regardless, some popular forms of entertainment at the time included tournaments, trained animal entertainment, fairs, hunting, jousts, feasts, plays, games, hawking, and sports.

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14y ago

It was usually plays and things like that because they weren't developed enough to make a bike and ride it I'm pretty sure someone probably had the idea of a bike but never knew how to put it together.

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11y ago

In those days people would've watched Knight tournaments at the Courtyard such as Archery contest, a duel between 2 knights in shining armor. Also there would've been storytellers to listen to. There would've been people playing Musical Instruments for people. There also was stage plays to watch. There would've been a clown Jester entertaining a king. There also would've been fair festivals to go to or buying and trading food or watching Knight parades. There would've been the event of who becomes the next King to the throne. Also people would've gone to church or cathedral to listen to the Holy Priest telling stories from The Bible. Also there was hunting and fishing. There was also paintings and statues to look at in a museum. In those days you had to rely on candles, torches and oil lamps at night. Nobody had electricity, no TV or computers. Also in those days people had wars with each other or had to defend the castle or king or fight in the battlefield.

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14y ago

Yes some entertainment was Shin kicking, a play, hunting, cock/bear fighting and horse riding

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11y ago

People would keep themselves entertained by listening to music and dancing

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11y ago

they smd ha ha ha

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10y ago

the had executing jousting

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