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Q: What term meaning rebirth refers to the great revival of art and learning in Europe beginning in the 1300s?
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Renaissance brought a new interest in what?

Renaissance is nothing but REBIRTH. Otherwise called as REVIVAL OF LEARNING AND CULTURE (cultural rebirth) Renaissance brought back interest in art, literature, basically learning in general. and yeah renaissance does mean rebirth (:

Who were the renaissance?

Renaissance means "Rebirth" or "Revival". It was a rebirth or revival of classical thinking and of the concepts of "Humanism". It was a revival of scholars, free-thinking, and the arts.

What is a renaissance?

a revival of or renewed interest in something, literally, a rebirth.

What is a French word that means rebirth but also means revival in the arts?


What are the words that mean the same as rebirth?

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What period of intellectual revival beginning in the 1300's that profoundly changed attitudes towards life learning and religion was known as?

The period of intellectual revival beginning in the 1300s that profoundly changed attitudes towards life, learning, and religion was known as the Renaissance. This cultural movement was characterized by a renewed interest in classical art, literature, and philosophy, as well as advancements in science and exploration.

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What was credited to Charlamagne?

The revival of latin learning

What is credited to Charlemagne?

The revival of Latin learning.

What is the meaning Renaissance?

Answer: Literally, renaissance means a "rebirth", or "revival". It is a time period when interest in art, literature, education, and other similar subjects, along with interest in Ancient Greece and Rome, was reborn.

What is The Meaning Of Renaissance?

Answer: Literally, renaissance means a "rebirth", or "revival". It is a time period when interest in art, literature, education, and other similar subjects, along with interest in Ancient Greece and Rome, was reborn.

What is the synonym of renaissance?

Rebirth, resurgence, revitalization, revival, regeneration, recovery and reawakening are some synonyms for renaissance