Entertainment has been around for as long as humans have been around. We find entertainment in each other, dancing, games, etc. As long as there are people there will be entertainment.
Renaissance music started to use more polyphony than monophonic. It also started to have music in the background, compared to a Capella. The music was used to entertainment and not just for religious purposes.
Mary Hart started presenting Entertainment Tonight, Sydnicated Gossip and Entertainment Program in 1982. Mary's Co-Host at the time was Ron Hendren. Mary presented Entertainment Tonight until the year 2011.
Woolim Entertainment
virtual entertainment in 3D
Entertainment Weekly was created in 1990.
for are entertainment
It was started in 1952 by Mr.McMahon Sr.
For money and to provide entertainment for people.
Irish settlers started it for entertainment
It started as a form of entertainment for Kings and queens of France. King Louis the fourteenth to be exact.
Sky Entertainment offers a print magazine and an online magazine. The magazine was originally started by the British in the 1980's.
he made videos of him singing and put them on youtube.
Troma Entertainment was started by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz in 1974.
The Roman theater was started for means of entertainment.Actually it started to worship the god Dionysus but I guess what ever floats your boat works because it evolved into means of entertainment.
Entertainment, and to bet to see which dog was better. It started in china.
Entertainment never "started" as such, it's as old as the human race itself, we have always entertained ourselves....there is no real direct answer to your question sorry
Red chillies entertainment