Alice and Esme wanted to buy her clothes to help her "fit in"
alice and esme wanted to take blla shopping to buy some clothes sp she fits in
Jasper has the power to feel and manipulate the emotions of people around him. So when Alice was telling Bella about the birthday party for her, he made Bella feel confused so she would agree to go to the party without arguing back. But Bella realised what he'd done. So that's what that line means.
bcoz he kept ignoring her
Because she doesn't feel close enough to Charlie to call him Dad.
no he wasn't he was happy that she knew because it would be easier he didn't have to keep it from her anymore
In "Twilight," Bella learns that Edward Cullen and his family are vampires with special abilities, while she is just a regular human with no supernatural powers. This realization makes her feel especially ordinary in comparison to them.
alice and esme wanted to take blla shopping to buy some clothes sp she fits in
Bella is a vampire. Probably, that's why.
he loves Bella so much he really likes her
The Bella Twins thme song called feel my body
Charlie likes it when Bella spends time with Jacob.
You feel that you learned something new and you feel refiled with information.
Sad and scared.
yes he does!!
she hates herself
The Bella Twins sing the song Feel My Body.