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no he wasn't he was happy that she knew because it would be easier he didn't have to keep it from her anymore

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He was feeling depressed and left out

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Natalie Lucero

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he was scared

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He was worried that bella will hate

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hate what

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Q: How did Jacob feel when Bella told him Edward was the one?
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When edward told Jacob in breaking dawn that Bella loves Jacob did he really believe that she is still in love with him?

Kind of. Edward knew that Bella loved both him and Jacob, that's why she is Switzerland, she loves and needs them both, and Edward understands that.

Who told Bella that Edward committed suicide?

Alice had a vision of Bella cliff diving, thinking of suicide. She told Rosalie who told Edward. Edward called the Swan home to check and Jacob seemed to confirm it. So, Rosalie.

Why do Bella and Edward argue after she comes home from Angela's in eclipse the book?

because Bella went to Jacob's house before she went to Angela's and edward told her he didnt want her to see Jacob because he thinks that Jacob is dangerous

Why did Edward want to kill himslef after he was told that Bella was dead Why did he want to kill himself after telling Bella that he doesn't want her anymore and that she will never see him again?

This question is easy to answer. Well Bella jumped off the cliff so she could cliff dive. She did that without Jacob and Jacob said they would do it sometime. So while that happened Alice saw Bella doing that and she can't see the wear wolfes but Jacob helped Bella out of the water but Alce didn't see it and told Rosalie and Rolsalie told Edward so then Eward called Bella and Jacob answered while Charlie was at a funeral and Bella was next to Jacob and he thought that the person calling was Carlisle. Edward asked where Charlie was and Jacob said At a funeral but Edward thought Bella's funeral. So then Edward went to the voltury and asked if they could kill him because he wants to live in the same kind of world with Bella and then Bella and Alice go after him and they saved him.

When did Bella get the idea Edward was a Vampire?

Jacob told Bella the scary stories in the woods and than mentioned the Cullens. Later, Bella did some research on the internet.

Why does Bella sleep in the woods?

she didn't. edward left her there. in the woods he told her that he and his family were moving. then he left her there alone...

What part does Bella find out Jacob's secret in new moon?

they are talking about their favorite nights togethor and edward says the night he propses to her and she says yes. edward knew that Jacob was listening and said afterwards that he had the right to know.

Who revealed the truth about edward?

Towards the middle of Twilight, Bella goes to La Push Beach with her friends. There, she meets Jacob and other Indians. After one of Jacob's friends says that the Cullens weren't allowed in La Push, Bella flirted with Jacob to convince him to take a walk on the beach with her. While they were walking, Jacob told Bella old stories of the Cullens, and they turned out to be true.

Why does Jacob say to Bella ' I know that's what you told Edward' during the car ride to Charlie and Sue's house in Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie?

because he knows that' what he told edward

Who told edward bella committed suicide?

Alice, Edward's sister saw a vision of Bella "Committing suicide" when she went cliff diving after Jacob and the Pack went because she thought she might be able to catch a glimpse of Edward again. Alice didn't see Jacob rescue her, though.

What chapter on twilight does Edward tell her he is a vampier?

Edward does not tell Bella that he is a vampire. she finds out after being told a quilette legend by Jacob Black at a beach trip.