It is used in the Subaru Legacy commercial in which the guy doesn't seem to notice the fact that he is driving over puddles.
It was used in a Pillsbury commercial. :)
Wasn't it a Honda commercial?
Both types of fermentation are used in various commercial processes. Lactic acid fermentation is used to make yogurt. Alcoholic fermentation is used to make dough rise.
Depends on what the vehicle is. A one ton pickup is a commercial vehicle if used for commercial purposes, even though it doesn't require a CDL.
The Girl Is On My Mind performed by The Black Keys.
It is used in the Subaru Legacy commercial in which the guy doesn't seem to notice the fact that he is driving over puddles.
They are used to play sharps and flats.
for naming the black keys on the piano, of course!
Gold on the Ceiling by The Black Keys
The Black Keys - Your Touch
Manipulative keys are special keys used to manipulate data in the document.
lights by grasscut
Wintley Phipps is the name of the black man that did the skit with the piano where he only used the blacked keys and said it started in slavery times. The song is Amazing Grace and he played it on the Gaither Hour.
Classically, they were made of ebony wood, but ebony is much too scarce and expensive to be used now, so today they are made of a very hard wood (typically maple or rosewood) polished very smooth, and coated with a plastic resin or black lacquer.,
There are seven diatonic notes in a diatonic seven-note scale and there are five notes which are not part of the scale. The black keys (flats/sharps) are not designated as part of the basic C major scale and the notes in the C major scale are the white keys. For this reason, there are more white keys than black keys on a piano keyboard however, some of the white keys which lie on either side of the groups of two or three black keys, can be used as sharps and flats in certain cases. In the G-flat major scale, for instance, the fourth note still needs to be lowered, however the note directly below C is B, so B can be used as C-flat and likewise C can be used for B-sharp. Hope than makes sense.
The Black Keys - The Big Come Up (2002) - I'll Be Your Man is used for the intro. The Song in question is in the promo for the Summer 2010 season. He's on a bed with a series of women on top. That song is On Board by the Friendly Fires