Unfortunately, he does not. There is only one pairing which is shown fully on the screen and It is starfire and robin
actually....there is a video from the season that they kiss but i can find the episode name.....look up beast boy and raven and there it is beast boy kissing raven and it isn't fan art you can tell
i have watched it i think its crap , kinda
well in the new Teen Titans(2003-2006) remake they don't show it since it was only given so much episodes. If you wanna see them kiss(and you don't mind the art change) then check out the comics. In my opinion they're better anyway. Still they do have a slight change in personality. Either way its late in the series one of the last comics when they start to leave. But yeah if you wanna indulge your BBxRae fantasy then look at the comics. You'll find it's actually the canon just not many people know there was a comic.
her favourite boy band is... JLS
In the movie "Trouble in Tokyo", Robin and Starfire kiss, although, the show was canceled, so we're not sure if they're a couple. In the Teen Titans Go! comics, they are an item, and in the very last issue, they are seen kissing, so we can assume if the show was continued, they would be in a relationship. In the original comic books, they had a relationship, however, it ended. Raven, possessed by Trigon, crashed their wedding, and afterward, the two broke up, permanently. Before Raven broke them up, Raven shared a relationship with Nightwing due to her empathetic powers, as she unknowingly manipulated him into loving her. All of this occurred while Nightwing was still in a relationship with Koriand'r. Ultimately, Raven realized that she only loved him as a brother, and moved on. In the comics, currently, Starfire still has feelings for Robin, whilst it is unknown if Dick still loves her.
at first it seems that she is, but then we find out that she is on slade's side. when she finally realizes that what she is doing is wrong, her feelings for beast boy is what "saves" her.
itz a kiss dumbo .. itz a kiss dumbo ..
Raven and Beast Boy never-ed kissed in the series or comics
No they didn't sorry.
In the Teen Titans anime series, Beast Boy likes Terra. In the (New) Teen Titans comic book series, he likes Raven.
spoiler alert, in the comic book series they have dated.
At first, the creators intended Beast Boy and Raven's relationship to be like an old married couple. Basically, a hate-love relationship. Yes, they love each other, but it's very difficult because their personalities differ immensely. Raven and Beast Boy deeply care for one another because of their differences. In the comic books, Beast Boy and Raven end up together, but not in the animated TV series. The comic books are much more complex than the cartoon. Opposites attract :) yep she broably does u can tell. :)
no raven ist very fond of beast boys behavior
of course not
Okay Raven does in fact love Beast Boy. In the comics of course in the tv show she only has a hint of a crush on him but the writers try to my hint of their romantic interest. Now in the comics Beast Boy and Raven go out. Then break up, but only for each others safety. Later on Beast Boy tell unconscious Raven that he is still in love with her. Raven feels the same but is afraid that she may hurt in such a way with her emotions.
Raven and beast boy are connected as friends. In the comics they are more then friends. But they're reactions to each other is complicated. But it may be a changes of romance 50%
Yes. It's almost obvious, but yes, he does. He's always trying to impress her in Teen Titans the show, and in the comics, there are several times that they kiss.