at first it seems that she is, but then we find out that she is on slade's side. when she finally realizes that what she is doing is wrong, her feelings for beast boy is what "saves" her.
A dominican rapper aka snow white boy aka the beast.
After the boy's had mocked Percival's report of seeing the beast, by telling him no large animal could live on such a small island, Percival gave them pause for thought when he told them that the beast came from the sea.
He is a hawt boy that is viewed on youtube. he is from canada.
Terra Jole is 4' 2".
Simon's comment was about the beast. He suspected that the beast was not an animal and obviously didn't believe that it was a ghost. This left only one remaining possibility, that there was no beast. Simon believed that the beast was simply a product of the boy's own imaginations. The beast only existed in their own minds. However there was a deeper reasoning to Simon's comment. Simone suspected that the beast wasn't just a product of the boys' own imaginations but was actually the boys themselves. It was the boys themselves who were the 'beast,' capable of hurting, of killing and of committing acts of evil.
In the Teen Titans anime series, Beast Boy likes Terra. In the (New) Teen Titans comic book series, he likes Raven.
No sorry
In the episode betrayal from season 2
Beast Boy found her in a crowd when the team was fighting a monster that could absorb any substance and then its body would be that substance! Terra ran away from the monster but beast boy found her a high school with two girls that were, i guess her new friends. Beast boy tried to talk to her but she didn't remember him or any of the teen titans! But then a few episodes later she gets her memory back and its all happy and hugs except, when Terra remembered everyone she ran away because she knew that she could hurt her friends again.
In the comics she was dating beast boy
beastboy can turn into any animal and terra is an earthbender trained by slade to destroy the teen titans
He had a MAJOR crush on Terra. But he also like Raven a lot too. if yes terra came back in things change because when beast boy spots a girl who looks like terra he approaches her with excitement during the end beast boy tries to make "terra" remember things but has no memory of teen titans or special powers in the middle to the end he visits terra grave and see the stone terra has dissapeared raven suggests that the effect wore off after her dad stoned everyone nobecause this girl has no memory of terra but it's up to you but I choose yes because she is terra with lost memory though
No he never does and the question will never be answered since that show was the series finale.
Raven, this is trues love beast boy deserves her and she deserves him Terra was just a distraction. Beast boy loved Raven always, he just thought that Raven didnt like him (which she did) so beast boy had to go with Terra but in the end beast boy and raven become lovers Well, the comics has mostly all the info so I guess he's more into raven
It would appear so, but wether is was for Beast Boy affections, the titans praise, or the fact she could control her powers better remains a mystery
'Things Change' ; The Teen Titans return home and they fight a creature that can transform into any substance it touches. Beast boy discovers that Terra is alive (though her statue is not in stone anymore), but she remembers nothing about her past life and doesn't have power to move rocks. When Beast Boy leaves and goes to all the places they went to on their date, he fights Slade. As Slade explains that Terra doesn't want to remember him, Beast boy gets upset and claws off Slades mask it turns out to be a robot. Beast Boy returns to her, but she tells him that things were never the way he remembers. He gets a call from Robin and goes to help the Titans.