there is no seed combination you have to became a memeber go to volcano then do mission one the missing egg and you get to keep her by clicking her add me kadiddle6
He gets the suds.
One possible answer might be people - people get shorter the older they get.
Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."
normally the most expensive!
yes you type in code : FT5RYG4TF7RFIJVU
nothing it gets u nothing
The pods of drumsticks gets bursted when the seeds gets dry or machured ,they scattered around
Canada gets sesame seeds from japan
you cnt fix it its in the moshi news tht the moshling ladygoogoo is sick (evry lady googoo is sick)
Lady GooGoo gets sick in Super Moshi Mission 5. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.
The seed pod is round and contains seeds which are flattened. It gets stuck to animal and germinates when dropped.
it gets pollinated and grows an orange with seeds in it
it gets moved by like wind,storms,animals.people
Static electricity The plastic bag gets charged with static electricity by the pouring of the seeds, some seeds remain attached by static electrical forces,
well fireplaces are usually rare so every shop gets new shipments everyday but make sure you check all the shops most likely to have a fire place is horrods you have to be a (paid) member to get it