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Lady GooGoo gets sick in Super Moshi Mission 5. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to complete Super Moshi Missions.

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Q: How do you make lady goo goo sick?
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Why is Lady Goo Goo sick on Moshi Monsters?

Lady Goo Goo is no longer available as a moshling on Moshi Monsters.

Why is lady goo goo sick on moshi monsters and how do you cure her?

lady goo goo is sick because her voice was stolen. you help her by finding it. you get holga the camera for completing the mission

What to do if your Lady Goo Goo gets sick on mos hi monsters?

you cnt fix it its in the moshi news tht the moshling ladygoogoo is sick (evry lady googoo is sick)

Why did Lady Goo Goo change in Moshi Monsters?

dr strangeglove made her sick

Why is Lady Goo Goo coughing?

When you click on Lady Goo Goo in your Moshling Zoo she coughs. Remember the 1st mission? You gave her the potion and she is attracted to it but the potion makes her sick. In order to get Lady Goo Goo's voice back, you have to complete Super Moshi Mission 5: Pop Goes the Goo Goo.

How on mos hi monstes is lady goo goo ill?

Because when you give her the potion it makes her sick

How did lady goo goo get sick?

She got sick due to the super moshi mission number 5 'Pop Goes the goo Goo' The main plot of this story was that she lost her voice due to Holga and Sprocket

Why did Lady Gaga ban Lady Goo Goo?

Lady Gaga won an injunction that says Lady Goo Goo can not sing songs on YouTube. Lady Gaga is concerned because some consumers have been confused by Lady Goo Goo and thought that Lady Goo Goo and Lady Gaga were connected. Lady Gaga is also concerned that companies are trying to use her brand and image to make money.

Is lady goo goo sick?

yes she is everyone suspects after she finished her moshi dance Dr strangeglove did something to her making her ill and cough she seems to be slimmer too

Why is Lady Goo Goo ill on Moshi Monsters?

Dr. Strangeglove purposely made her sick. Their is no known reason why though.

How do you get to the forest to get the books to get lady goo goo?

just follow the lady goo goo =========

What does lady goo goo say when you press her on moshi monsters?

she says goo goo lady goo goo