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One possible answer might be people - people get shorter the older they get.

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Q: What gets shorter the older it gets?
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What happens as a mountain gets older?

It erodes, and becomes smoother, rounder, and shorter. Like people do.

Who gets shorter as they get older men or women?

Both, but in my expeirience, women tend to do so more often.

Do panda tails really get shorter as they get older?

A panda bear's tail does not shorten as it gets older. However, the fur thickens around it and the bear grows much larger than its birth size, so it may appear shorter.

What gets longer the shorter it gets?

A candle. As it burns, it gets shorter in length but longer in wax height.

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The answer is a candle because it is tall when it is new or 'young.' But as it gets used or 'older', it gets shorter because the wax melts.

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they "shrink" when they get older :)

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