who's the lady in the sharps bedroom wardrobes advert
The chords to "The Sky Is Crying" is about as equilvalent to the chords "Texas Flood."
(chords) don't test me (chords) second guess me (chords) protest me you will disappear.987fd7f5-b687-4db2-84d7-35899b867dbf 1.03.01
C major scale and A minor.
Lyrics and chords for the judgement
There are a number of chords that contain three sharped notes. If the question was supposed to be about which KEY contains three sharps, then the answer is A major/F# minor.
All of those chords look like they belong together in the key of F, which has only one flat and no sharps. The flatted note is B. Try looking up how to use the "circle of fifths" too.
All of them. Like most musical instruments, it has the ability to play all seven notes with their sharps and flats, which means you can play all the chords as well.
A major has 3 sharps, A minor has no sharps or flats.
Christian Sharps.
The Key of Ab does not have any sharps naturally written in it. It has four flats.
It depends on which key signature. D major has 2 sharps. F# major has 6 sharps. Bb major has no sharps.
A♯ minor has the maximum seven sharps, but A♯ major has 10 'sharps', 4 sharps and three *double* sharps, so B-flat major will be preferable with only two flats.
34 sharps
At the beginning of the piece, there will be one to seven sharps or flats. This tells you the sharps or flats that will be used unless otherwise noted. If there are no sharps or flats, then there will be no sharps or flats unless otherwise noted.
its steps on the scale like if u have a G the posible train chords going up would be G,Bb,Db its every 3 notes including sharps and flats. starting with G going down would be G,E,Db. when people put those high notes in its just showing range