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C major scale and A minor.

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Q: What scale has no sharps or flats?
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What major scale uses no sharps or flats?

C major has no sharps or flats.

What major key has the same number of flats and sharps as a minor?

C major and A minor both have no sharps or flats.

Can a chromatic scale have sharps and flats?

A chromatic scale will, by definition, have sharps and/or flats.

What is a way to remember flats in a scale?

To remember the flats in a scale you can use their corresponding sharps.

What is Music scale with no sharps or flats?

The C major scale...

Which major scale has no flats or sharps?


What sharps or flats are in A minor?

There are no flats or sharps. Its relative major scale is C major, which has all of the same notes.

How many sharps are in the c major scale?

There are no sharps or flats in C Major.

Are there any sharps or flats in the C major scale?

No, but there are; 2 sharps and 5 double sharps in the B# Major scale and there are, 2 flats and 5 double flats in the Dbb Major scale, Both B# and Dbb are enharmonic spellings for the note C natural.

What major key has the same number of sharps as flats as the key of a minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What is special about the c major scale?

no sharps or flats

What scale has 13 sharps?

A scale can only have up to 7 sharps (or flats) because there are only 7 different notes in a scale.