Stevie Wonder
Those are lyrics from the song 'All in Love is Fair' by Stevie Wonder.
Stevie Nicks wrote landslide, she should get the credit.
Lyrics and chords for the judgement
the "spinners" covered this song written by Stevie wonder
Stevie Ray Vaughan covered it.
You can find the lyrics of the song Cold Shot from these lists of website: azlyrics, mp3lyrics, 911tabs, stlyrics, and etc. A beautiful song made by the famous Stevie Ray Vaughan.
It's not really Stevie Ray Vaughan or Carlos Santana, but a guy named Rich Walikis, from the band Out of Bounds, as indicated by his website.
sweet home chicago (jam)
Stevie Ray Vaughan and double trouble is the band that wrote this great song.
VooDoo Child (Slight Return), recorded on his 1984 album "Couldn't Stand the Weather"
It is the very beginning of the prelude to Bach's C minor. It is the first four chords.
Malford Milligan. He also sings for Stevie Ray Vaughan's former band, Double Trouble, and Storyville.
Stevie Wonder
Lately - Stevie Wonder song - was created in 1981.
i want pelimon chords of xylophone