I know this is a lot but if you are anything like me I was confused with this part so I went to figure it out and hear it is. First read page 121-espically page 126-126, then read page133-135( you can continue to read on to page 139 to understand better). Bella tells Edward she knows he is a vampire in chapter 9. Theory. Page 183-186. She never knows for sure untill them it was just a theory, but it was a strong theory. She never comes right out and says i know you're a vampire. Then she questions him for the rest of the night them both knowing he is a vampire. In the movie she does come right out and says I know you're a vampire, but not in the book. Then read the last paragraph on page 195. And there you go and if this wasn't what you were looking for I don't know what Else to tell you. Thanks for reading:)
When James tells Bella to ask edward to avenge her. He means he wants edward to take revenge and figt James
**** Contains Spoilers If you hadn't read NEW MOON!Okay, So In new moon Rosalie told Edward that Bella Jumped of a Cliff ,So Edward Went to the Volturis and ask them to kill Edward. Then When Bella Heard the news from Alice, Bella and Alice go to the Volturi and save Edward!I'm not going to tell more from that. Read New Moon ! :Pshe also saved him again in breaking dawn when with her vampire new power of keeping intruders of the minds - reading minds ,causing pain and making the mind completely blank- away from him, the clunes and the other vampires and warewolf on there side
Edward went to Italy because he thought Bella was dead and he couldn't live without her.He also wanted to die; the thought of life without Bella was unbearable, so he went to the Volturi to ask them to kill him.
Do you rember when Bella and Edward were talking about Romeo and Juliet thing at the beginning of New Moon. Well he said that once Bella died he would go to the volturi and ask to be killed. Well do you also rember when Jacob thought he was taling to Carlise when he really wasn't he was talking to Edward. Well unfoutnatly when Jacob said Charlie was arranging a fewnral that made Edward think that Bella died so... Edward went to the Volturi to kill himself. Because he thought Bella was dead.
Edward Asks Bella To Marry Him In Chapter 24. Vote
Before Edward changes Bella into a vampire, she asks him to do two things: make love to her and then change her into a vampire.
Edward asked Bella to challenge Emmet to an armwrestling competition after she became a vampire, because Emmet is so proud of his strength. But Edward knows that she will be stronger than everyone for a while, because all newborns are, Hope this is good enough=)
Yes he said that he would make her a vampire if she married him.
Ask her to be a vampire.
he asked in new moon but they talk about it in chapter 20 of eclipse
First of all, it's Carlisle. And he wasn't changed, he was already a vampire. But he was the one who change the rest of the Cullen family. And Bella was changed by Edward. this frist dude dosent know what he is talking about in i think it is eclispe carlisle tells Bella about how a rouge vampire comes to his village and bits him and then he tells his whole vampire life story if u read the the first book it say's that edward tells Bella a story about carlisle past life and then they go to him and edward ask's him to tell Bella the story and he say's he gets atacked by a vampire and then it leaves him and he runs of and hides and then a few days later he relises that he has become a vampire so he trys to kill his self
Twilight - Where Bella and Edward first meet. Bella has just moved to Forks, Washington and Edward is a mysterious young vampire. They fall in love. New Moon - Jacob turns into a werewolf, Edward leaves, thinks Bella has killed herself and tries to get the Volturi (old royal vampire clan) to kill him. Bella and Alice rescue him and finally Edward and Bella are reunited and Edward promises never to leave her again. Eclipse - Bella wants to be both Edwards girlfriend and Jacobs best friend. Edward wants Bella to marry him before they sleep together. He wants Bella to wait a little while longer before becoming a vampire and Rosalie and Jasper tell Bella the story of how they became vampires. Just in case you were wondering. I don't want to ruin Breaking Dawn so if you want any answers on that just ask and I'll tell you. By the way ask on here, I check every so often. x
In eclipse Edward ask Bella hand in marriage. In breaking dawn they get hitched
In the movie "New Moon," the ending sees Bella choosing to save Edward from the Volturi by racing to Italy to stop him from revealing himself to them. With the help of Alice and Edward, she arrives just in time to prevent him from committing suicide by exposing himself as a vampire in front of the Volturi. The movie ends with Bella and Edward returning home to Forks, reaffirming their love for each other.
I think he waws going to ask if Bella had ever felt attracted to anyone else like she is to him. Hope this helps!
Edward asks Jacob to kill him if Bella dies.