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**** Contains Spoilers If you hadn't read NEW MOON!

Okay, So In new moon Rosalie told Edward that Bella Jumped of a Cliff ,

So Edward Went to the Volturis and ask them to kill Edward. Then When Bella Heard the news from Alice, Bella and Alice go to the Volturi and save Edward!

I'm not going to tell more from that. Read New Moon ! :P

she also saved him again in breaking dawn when with her vampire new power of keeping intruders of the minds - reading minds ,causing pain and making the mind completely blank- away from him, the clunes and the other vampires and warewolf on there side

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15y ago
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15y ago

He saves her from a car slamming into her in Twilight.

He saves her from a gang of thugs in the middle of Twilight.

He saves her from dying and turning into a vampire at the end of Twilight.

He saves her from his 'family' at her birthday party, in New Moon.

He saves her life when her child is born, in the final novel.

I'm sure there are other times as well, but the above are just off of the top of my head.

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13y ago

Edward sucked the venom out of Bellas blood.


Bella had venom in her blood from James so he sucked the vemon out of her blood but the blood come with it whena vampire bites it cant stop that why she passed out.

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15y ago

Bella saw Edward when she was in danger because when Edward left, he told Bella not to do anything stupid or reckless. Therefore, when she did do something stupid or reckless, she had a memory sort of hallucination of Edward telling her not to do something stupid or reckless.

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14y ago

Edward doesn't have to save Bella's life but he's in love with her. He choses to live with her for enternity instead of just her human life. Edward saves Bella to make himself and his family happy including her daughter Renessmee.

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13y ago

After near death from giving birth to Renesmee, Bella is saved by Edward administering venom in every possible vein in her body and Jacob giving her CPR

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11y ago

Edward saves Bella when tyler's truck almost hits her and again when James almost kills her

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14y ago

Because he didn't realize at the time but he really liked her.

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13y ago

While she is giving birth he bites her and puts the venom in to save her. She turns into a vampire after the birth.

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What is external conflict of eclipse?

An external conflict in Twilight is when Edward is fighting James to save Bella's life.

Why is Bella lying to edward in breaking dawn around the time when Bella finds the note in the ottage from Alice?

She doesn't want Edward to know that she is trying to save them. Alice left the note there for only Bella to see. If Edward knew that she was trying to save Renesmee, he would say it was too dangerous and wouldn't let her.

When was Bella supposed to turn into a vampire?

Bella was supposed to turn into a vampire after Edward and Bella got married in Breaking Dawn. Edward was going to bite her at their honeymoon but Bella decided not to get bitten. Then Bella get pregnant with Renesme and when giving birth, her heart almost fails and Edward bites her to save her.

Could Jacob kill edward?

yes Jacob could kill edward but he cant because then Bella would hate him forever and they would never be friends again and Bella would go all crzy again like she did in new moon so yea he could kill edward

Does Edward biting Bella?

No, he doesn't "bite" her, but she does end up becoming a vampire. When she's having Renesmee, she basically dies and he injects his venom into her heart. So Bella had her human death on her daughters birthday. -- Edward first plunged a syringe in her heart with venom after it stopped when Renesmee was delivered. If you continue about half a paragraph down, Jacob describes what happens when Edward is biting her. "It was like he was kissing her, brushing his lips at her throat, her wrists, and the crease at the inside of her arm. But I could hear the lush tearing of her skin as his teeth bit through, again and again, forcing venom into her system at as many points as possible." {| |- | Edward does not bite Bella, but he changes her into a vampire in Breaking Dawn to save her life. |}

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Why did edward save Bella in the 1st book?

because edward loved Bella

Why did Edward save Bella?

he loves her

Where does Bella and Alice go to save Edward?

Volterra, Italy to save Edward from the Volturi.

Where was the place Bella saw Edward again in new moon?

Bella saw Edward again in New Moon in her dreams

What country does Bella go to to save Edward in New Moon?

Bella gets on a flight with Alice to Volterra, Italy, where the Volturi are and that's when they save Edward.

How does edward behave without Bella in new moon?

Very bad !! Because he loves her soo much he almost died for her but then it was Bella's turn to save edward, after all he has done for her !! Then they live happily togethr again !!!!!! Xx4 ever Team EDWARD Xx

In the twilight where was Bella and Edward's second kiss?

Edward and Bella kiss in New Moon again in New Moon in Bella's Birthday.

In twilight new moon will Bella be with edward or jacorb?

Jacob but then save edward

Does edward or Alice change Bella in breaking dawn?

Edward, he has to to save her life.

Why does Carlisle change Edward?

to save Bella swan

Does edward and Bella love there baby?

Bella and Edward are willing to give up their lives to save there baby so they do love her

How does Bella and Alice save Edward?

they go to Italy to prove that Bella is still alive