Ring of HONOR used to air on HDNet, but they seperated from them some time ago. It will be on TV again at the end of 2011, but the channels are not known yet.
What time does DBZ come on and what chanel?
channel 41
It is usually on Channel 39 or you could find it in discovery channel.
the gosple music channel
what channel does raw come on with xfinity
Disney channel.
The Hallmark Channel
What time does DBZ come on and what chanel?
Naruto Shippuden will come on the Cartoon Channel in India.
If you have Comcast then on channel 118
On channel NBC.
Hellcats come on the CW channel
the traffic channel
channel 41
doesn't wear a ring
It is usually on Channel 39 or you could find it in discovery channel.
You will be able to look on the Ring of Honor website (rohwrestling), hover over where it says TV and click on listings. Once that is done, there will be a list with the state, station, website, day and time that Ring of Honor is on.