Xfinity says USA is 672 right now on January 4th 2020, and says monday night raw is on at 8pm... I live on the west coast and my parents have Direct TV wich is airing at 5pm tonight also in USA channel 242. I am upset because I cant figure out why xfinity would air it 3 ours after! Anyone know why this is or how I can see it actually live on xfinity? I dont understand and am new to xfinity. About to switch back to direct tv! Ugghh
wwe raw is now usa
WWE raw is on 1124 and smackdown is on 1151
raw is on fx 9pm superstars channel 4 smackdown 8 syfy Friday Sunday paperview have to order
He came to raw in 2005 in the WWE draft
Xfinity says USA is 672 right now on January 4th 2020, and says monday night raw is on at 8pm... I live on the west coast and my parents have Direct TV wich is airing at 5pm tonight also in USA channel 242. I am upset because I cant figure out why xfinity would air it 3 ours after! Anyone know why this is or how I can see it actually live on xfinity? I dont understand and am new to xfinity. About to switch back to direct tv! Ugghh
wwe raw is now usa
channel 48
WWE raw is on 1124 and smackdown is on 1151
It has two show Raw and Smackdown Raw is on USA Channel 28 and Smackdown is on Syfy
In the United States, WWE Raw, also known as WWE Monday Night Raw, is currently aired on the USA Network. One can also view it live on the Sky Sports 3 channel in the UK and Ireland.
Monday night raw is on channel 242. Friday night Smack down is on channel 244.
it varies from country to country in India its on tensports
Yes, channel 175 from 8 to 10.
watch tv and find out
raw is on fx 9pm superstars channel 4 smackdown 8 syfy Friday Sunday paperview have to order
I'm not sure but I don't think Raw World Tours are televised.